phrase / ios-sdk

Phrase Over the Air iOS SDK
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Swift 5.1 support #8

Closed flashspys closed 4 years ago

flashspys commented 5 years ago

As in #2, Swift 5.1 should be supported, too.

theSoenke commented 5 years ago

Hi, we plan to release soon an updated version for Swift 5.1. We will let you know as soon as it is available

jdmoreira commented 5 years ago

I upvote this request

ChristianSteffens commented 5 years ago

Any news - vote for this as well.

theSoenke commented 5 years ago

We are currently waiting for the final 5.1 release of Swift before we update the SDK. Any reasons why you are already using the pre-release version of Swift?

flashspys commented 5 years ago

We are testing our app already on iOS 13 to be ready for the launch in September. For this we already migrated our codebase to be compatible with Swift 5.1. You are the only binary Swift SDK we are using at the moment. For every minor Swift update we have to first exclude your SDK and then, if you released your update, we include it again. And exactly this is the reason why you don't release a binary Swift framework, prior to module stability, introduced in Swift 5.1. If you absolutely want to publish a binary Swift SDK and keep the source code, you are in the responsibility to update your SDK faster than we update our codebase.

timleers commented 5 years ago

@flashspys you are absolutely right. We will take care of this issue with high priority and inform you as soon as the new version is released which will probably happen within the next two days

timleers commented 5 years ago

@flashspys new version 1.2.0-beta was generated with Swift version 5.1 (swiftlang-1100.0.212.5 clang-1100.0.28.2) and is available now Please let us know if you have any issues with it

ChristianSteffens commented 5 years ago

You should probably release this version as beta release - otherwise all non Swift 5.1 users will have a problem now ;-)

timleers commented 5 years ago

@ChristianSteffens good point :) I changed that. sorry for the inconvenience

theSoenke commented 5 years ago

Hi, a quick update regarding Swift 5.1 support. As @ChristianSteffens pointed out correctly this still is an issue for all non Swift 5.1 users. For now, the master now points again at the last release for Swift 5.0. To be able to use use the Swift 5.1 version you can add the following to your Podfile: pod 'PhraseApp', :git => '', :tag => '1.2.0-beta'

jensutbult commented 4 years ago

There's still no functional SDK that work with the latest version of Xcode. We really need this and I guess a lot of other customers do as well. Since we pay handsomely for the Phraseapp service I don't think it is unreasonable to expect a matching SDK well ahead of the launch a new version of iOS.

theSoenke commented 4 years ago

Hi, we are currently working on a solution to provide support for the latest XCode version. Unfortunately there are some breaking changes and not all tools are fully ready yet. We will provide further details about this on Monday. We will also make sure that we have a smoother upgrade experience for releases in the future whenever possible

suho commented 4 years ago

Hi @theSoenke, do you have any update support for the latest Xcode version?. I'm working on Xcode 11.0, and I have this error: Module compiled with Swift 5.0 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1 compiler: /Pods/PhraseApp/PhraseApp.framework/Modules/PhraseApp.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftmodule

theSoenke commented 4 years ago

Quick update. With the final releases of Swift 5.1 and XCode 11 we will publish a new release as soon as possible

ValentinDenis commented 4 years ago

Hello @TheSoenke, any update on the new version ? Can you provide an ETA ? We had to downgrade to XCode 10.3 just for one project that uses the Phrase SDK

winkelsdorf commented 4 years ago

@ValentinDenis The release of the updated Phrase SDK is planned for the next 24 hours

winkelsdorf commented 4 years ago

The Swift 5.1 compatible Phrase SDK release has been published. Feel free to update using pod update if you're using CocoaPods. Let me know if you have any further questions.

jensutbult commented 4 years ago

Are you guys sure 1.2 is compiled with Swift 5.1? I get the following error message when compiling: Module compiled with Swift 5.0 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1 compiler The header file (PhraseApp-Swift.h) also seems to indicate that 1.2 is in fact built with Swift 5.0: // Generated by Apple Swift version 5.0 (swiftlang-1001.0.69.5 clang-1001.0.46.3)

winkelsdorf commented 4 years ago

@jensutbult Yes, Swift 5.1 had been used.

I re-downloaded it and in the PhraseApp-Swift.h I see the correct comment:

Screenshot 2019-09-27 at 15 50 03

Can you please verify that you updated your Pod or download the framework from

Edit: I am able to reproduce this with the CocoaPods release. Looking into it now. Resolving ASAP.

winkelsdorf commented 4 years ago

@jensutbult Issue has been resolved. Please force a re-download of the framework.

I assume you are using CocoaPods? If so, please remove the PhraseApp SDK from it's cache and update the pod again by running:

pod cache clean PhraseApp 
pod update

Thank you for bringing this to my attention and excuse the inconvenience it has caused you!