phrase / phrase-cli

CLI for the Phrase API
MIT License
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Deprecate custom Homebrew tap in favour of official package #107

Closed patrickhoette closed 1 year ago

patrickhoette commented 1 year ago

Phrase CLI has been added to the official Homebrew repository (See this PR). Also make sure to change the instructions on the website and inform people who have the phrase package install that they should uninstall that and install phrase-cli.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for reaching out to us. We are currently working on a revamp of our Help Center, so I'm confident that the suggested update will be implemented accordingly in the next upcoming future.

Don’t hesitate to reach out again in case needed, and have a great Wednesday ahead!

Best, Erika from the Phrase Technical Support Team

Comment by Erika

BradKwon commented 1 year ago

Hi Phrase Team,

It is nice that the Phrase CLI installation via Homebrew got easier and I like that. The only problem I see here is that although the tech support team said they are working on updating help center half a year ago, it's not been updated yet and the previous brew install phrase becomes unavailable as of yesterday.

And even make it worse, I couldn't find anywhere, which announced this halt, but this GitHub repository after spending one or two hours.

Maybe there is any communication channel that does it. If so, please let me know so I can subscribe or follow it to get up-to-date. Otherwise, it would be also good point to have it so customers can prepare for it.

It would be also helpful to update the official installation guide so it is easy to solve any changes.

theSoenke commented 1 year ago

Hi @BradKwon, thank you for raising this issue. We are aware of it and usually the migration should not have been noticeable due the brew migration mechanism. The problem is this case is that the formula got renamed and moved, which does not seem to be supported by brew. As a solution we will try to match the formula name in core with the old formula name. In the meantime I will revert the migration to make sure all existing installations keep working as usual.

I hope this makes it a bit more clear why this issue occurred and I'm sorry for the inconvenience and needing to debug this issue.

BradKwon commented 1 year ago

Hi @theSoenke, thanks for this quick response.

I already updated my system to use the new way brew install phrase-cli so I don't need to do brew tap, which is nice 👍

The way I see it, it should be fine once the official installation guide is updated.

theSoenke commented 1 year ago

Running brew upgrade phrase should now automatically upgrade to the formula in core and the docs will be updated in a moment as well