phrase / phrase-cli

CLI for the Phrase API
MIT License
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Take `setup-phraseapp` GitHub Action under `phrase` org #119

Closed iamandrewluca closed 1 year ago

iamandrewluca commented 1 year ago

Hey there!

I want to propose you take under your wing winify-ag/setup-phraseapp GitHub Action or, maybe create a new one and we can redirect everyone there.

I don't use the action anymore and don't have too much interest in maintaining it now. Although I see people have interest in it.

A few jobs ago when I was at Winify, I created this action, that downloads Phrase CLI. I don't work there for a few years now, and the company also does not exist anymore.

Thanks for your understanding!

theSoenke commented 1 year ago

Hi @iamandrewluca, thank you for sharing. We also had some ideas to provide a similar action ourselves. So this works perfectly if you already built one! :tada: Hope in the next few weeks I'll have some time to to take a closer look and take over the maintenance to make it an officially supported action

iamandrewluca commented 1 year ago

I would recommend starting from scratch using actions/typescript-action which has better practices and is up to date, and just take the code from the original repo, which is under MIT Licence

skeeping commented 1 year ago

@theSoenke Once this has been decided please make a post on winify-ag/setup-phraseapp to let people know what is decided what is available for us to use.

iamandrewluca commented 1 year ago

@skeeping when phrase makes an official action, I will add that info to the setup-phraseapp repo

jablan commented 1 year ago

@iamandrewluca We created

iamandrewluca commented 1 year ago

@jablan Cool, Cool, Cool!!! I will add a message to our repo, and redirect everyone to the new GitHub Action!

iamandrewluca commented 1 year ago
