phronmophobic / membrane

A Simple UI Library That Runs Anywhere
Apache License 2.0
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Error requiring membrane.vdom #76

Open hoclun-rigsep opened 6 months ago

hoclun-rigsep commented 6 months ago

My ns:

(ns jim.littlereader
  ;; typical requires
  (:require-macros [membrane.webgl-macros
                    :refer [add-image!]])
  (:require [cljs-http.client :as http]
            [cljs.core.async :refer [<!]]
            [membrane.component :refer [defui]]
            [membrane.vdom :as backend]
            [membrane.ui :as ui
             :refer [horizontal-layout


The required namespace "vdom.core" is not available, it was required by "membrane/vdom.cljs".
phronmophobic commented 6 months ago

The vdom backend depends on [com.phronemophobic/vdom "0.2.2"].

The vdom based backend is just a proof of concept. I don't currently recommend using it at the moment.