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in the UserAuthentication clerk is not working #2

Open TewoldeM opened 3 months ago

TewoldeM commented 3 months ago

clerk is not working for me with the next js when i try to do your social media and udemy clone projects. but in other react js project it works. could you help me if you was encountering this error when you was working this project. i have been trying many things but i can't .the error is happen after i have signed up after a minute or when i close my app and then run agian it gives me the error " JWT is expired. Expiry date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 16:46:44 GMT, Current date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 03:49:20 GMT. (reason=token-expired, token-carrier=cookie) Clerk: Clock skew detected. This usually means that your system clock is inaccurate. Clerk will attempt to account for the clock skew in development.

To resolve this issue, make sure your system's clock is set to the correct time (e.g. turn off and on automatic time synchronization). "
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Adarsh01208 commented 2 months ago

Insert ur clerk key in .env.local