phundament / app

Dockerized Yii2 web application base
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Error when access: sh: 1: lessc: not found #190

Closed trexanhvn closed 8 years ago

trexanhvn commented 8 years ago

I installed phundament with newest version. But when I access, error apeared like this:

AssetConverter command 'lessc '/vagrant/mysite/cms/web/assets/2f9dc4d1/less/app.less' '/vagrant/mysite/cms/web/assets/2f9dc4d1/less/app.css' --no-color --source-map' failed with exit code 127:

sh: 1: lessc: not found

I don't know how to fix it? Any idea for this?

sum1190 commented 8 years ago

What OS do you use?

schmunk42 commented 8 years ago

In general, I'd recommend using docker, since all pieces are in place there (less was a main reason for us to switch to the dockerized approach btw).

But if can or do not want to use docker, you can also install nodejs/npm to your Vagrant VM and then less.

A workaround would be to "downgrade" to CSS files, you could pick them from:

PS: Should also be possible to install docker to your Vagrant VM ;)

trexanhvn commented 8 years ago

I fixed this error. B/c my VM (Ubuntu Trusty) didn't installed lessc package. I've used docker, but have some problems that I don't know. So I moved to use composer.

I will use docker again and will post errors if it happen.

Thanks all.

schmunk42 commented 8 years ago

I've used docker, but have some problems that I don't know.

@trexanhvn Would be really interested in your problems and error messages, if you've the time create new issues, thank you!