phuochau / react-native-thumbnail

Get thumbnail from local media. Currently, it only supports for video.
MIT License
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Unhandled Promise Reject: No such file or directory #46

Open Miyaguisan opened 5 years ago

Miyaguisan commented 5 years ago
mrrenjithnair commented 5 years ago

Same issue is there in my case. Please help me in this

mayurpatil888 commented 5 years ago

Facing same issue.. Need help ASAP.

ericdevries commented 5 years ago

Does this happen on android only? On android, you can just use the component for rendering video thumbnails. This package seems to work only on iOS where it is actually needed because the component does not render video thumbnails

flaming-codes commented 5 years ago

It's probably how you handle the the URIs in your app. This a working example in a project I'm working on:

import RNVideoThumb from "react-native-thumbnail";
import fs from "react-native-fs";

// ...

async function createVideoItem(tempUri){
  // Get file's suffix.
  // 'tempUri' is a uri returned from react-native-camera
  const type = tempUri.substring(tempUri.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);

  // Create a persistent directory for our video as the provided
  // path by RNCamera is only a temporary cache.
  // 'id' is a simple UID as an example here.
  const id = `${}`
  const fileUri = `${fs.DocumentDirectoryPath}/${id}.${type}`;

  // Copy the video now.
  await fs.copyFile(tempUri, fileUri);

  // Handle the thumbnail's creation + storing.
  // We use the newly created, persistent 'fileUri' as source, as
  // this is where our video is now stored, with the file-prefix.
  // Note that we also extract the thumb's image-type to avoid
  // a hardcoded suffix.
  const thumbResult = await RNVideoThumb.get(`file://${fileUri}`);
  const thumbType = thumbResult.path.substring(thumbResult.path.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);

  // Using '_thumb' in the path to distinguish from the video-file.
  const thumbUri = `${fs.DocumentDirectoryPath}/${id}_thumb.${thumbType}`;

  // Now copy the thumbnail image.
  await fs.copyFile(thumbResult.path, thumbUri);

  // Now create an object for later use (e.g. storing in DB).
  const videoItem = {
    fileUri: `file://${fileUri}`,
    thumbUri: `file://${thumbUri}`,
    createdAt: new Date(),

  return videoItem;
flaming-codes commented 5 years ago

I forgot to mention that you may also need the permission on Android (typescript example):

import { PermissionsAndroid } from "react-native";

 * Types.

export type permissionDialog = {
  title: string;
  message: string;
  buttonNeutral?: string;
  buttonNegative?: string;
  buttonPositive?: string;

 * Functions.

export async function isPermissionGrantedOnAndroid(permission: Permission, dialog: permissionDialog) {
  const status = await PermissionsAndroid.request(permission, {
    title: dialog.title,
    message: dialog.title,
    buttonNeutral: dialog.buttonNeutral || "Ask Me Later",
    buttonNegative: dialog.buttonNegative || "Don't allow",
    buttonPositive: dialog.buttonPositive || "OK"

  console.log("status", status, "dialog:", dialog);
  return status === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED;

// ...later...

await isPermissionGrantedOnAndroid(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, {
      title: "Media Library Permission",
      message: "App needs the permission to access your camera storage"

 await isPermissionGrantedOnAndroid(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, {
      title: "Media Library Permission",
      message: "App needs the permission to access your camera storage"