Closed brynary closed 10 years ago
I cannot reproduce this problem. I'm using the Vagrantfile provided by baseimage-docker:
host$ vagrant up
host$ vagrant ssh
vagrant$ docker run --rm -i -t phusion/baseimage:0.9.9 /sbin/my_init -- bash
# addgroup --gid 9999 app && adduser --uid 9999 --gid 9999 --disabled-password --gecos "Application" app && usermod -L app
# setuser app touch /tmp/foo
=> works
# setuser app bash -c 'echo foo > /dev/null'
=> works too
Maybe you have a filesystem problem on the host. Or maybe it's a Docker bug again.
I'm having some trouble with
resulting in "Permission denied" errors. Here's an example:As you can see, after booting a container, a new non-root user is unable to create a file in
or write to/dev/null
.Any ideas? Thanks.