phuslu / nginx-ssl-fingerprint

high performance ja3 and http2 fingerprint for nginx.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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resualt ja3 fingerprint is differnet from in 3rd field #33

Closed emdaitaj closed 1 year ago

emdaitaj commented 1 year ago

my fingerprint : 771,4865-4867-4866-49195-49199-52393-52392-49196-49200-49162-49161-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,0-23-65281-10-11-16-5-34-51-43-13-45-28-41,29-23-24-25-256-257,0

my ja3 fingerprint genratored by nginx compiled using your guide and your test config : 771,4865-4867-4866-49195-49199-52393-52392-49196-49200-49162-49161-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,0-23-65281-10-11-35-16-5-51-43-13-45-28,29-23-24-25-256-257,0

the diffenece is in extensions field i thought maybe using real domain an vaild certificate may have effect, tested ,no difference

phuslu commented 1 year ago

could try wireshark to capture your request and post its ja3 result here? we promise to align to wireshark as first.

paragor commented 1 year ago

it different by SSLExtension pre_shared_key 41 - (

it is common - on first session to site you have tls without pre_shared_key, and on next sessions you will have pre_shared_key (41). see

emdaitaj commented 1 year ago

@phuslu i checked with wireshark the client did sent 3 CLIENT_HELLO messages one after another when i opened my test nginx site first hello with tls1.2 some times it changed to tls1.3 in the second hello , some time it did not anyway your module's md5 ALWAYS matched with wiresharks first CLIENT_HELLO so there is no problem in your work

but i wonder why my tls fingerprint is different for each website and each time (i'm using lates version of chrome on windows 11) (this was the cause of mismatch) if it's like random then we can't Reilly on ja3 fingerprints