phuvf / oscpoint

OSCPoint is a PowerPoint add-in that allows Open Sound Control (OSC) control of PowerPoint on Windows
MIT License
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New features for v2.0.0, request for feedback #41

Open phuvf opened 2 months ago

phuvf commented 2 months ago

Hello OSCPoint users,

I've started work on v2 of OSCPoint. This should be backward compatible with v1.x but add new features as requested by the community. I thought I'd detail what I'm planning and get some feedback before the design is finalised.

There will probably be an updated Companion module to utilise these features, but that'll be after v2.x is finalised and published.

1 - Better presentation feedbacks

PowerPoint can have multiple shows open at the same time. By adding some additional feedbacks, it'll be possible to see which files are open and switch between them, using a standard JSON format which will include section info.

This should address issues #6 and #33.

See for details of the proposed format of these messages.

2 - Open & close show files

OSCPoint can now access the local machine's file system (assuming permission has been granted by the user) and share a list of .ppt and .pptx files is a specific folder (called the active folder). The location of this folder can be set by via OSC, but it's always relative to the user folder.

Files in this folder can then be opened via OSCPoint.

This feature comes with some security complications, so it'll be off by default, but can be enabled using the tab in PowerPoint:

Screenshot 2024-04-25 114236

This should address issues #15.

For draft details of this feature, see

Also a new Set slide as wallpaper command to address issue #40.

3 - Event feedback

As OSCPoint reacts to PowerPoint events internally, it seemed sensible to forward these events as OSC messages. I don't have any use cases for these yet, but think they could be useful for others to build on top of.

Draft details in

Donations and downloads

Finally - and not related to v2.x directly - I've changed the download process for the add-in, with a donation-suggestion request before add-in download.

I don't intent to make OSCPoint a paid-for-only tool as that would require a licensing system etc. etc. which is all very dull (and gets in the way of writing more interesting/useful code), but I'm also aware that OSCPoint is being used on lots of commercial shows that probably could afford a few quid without breaking the bank. One of the reasons it's taken so long to get round to v2.x it that it's hard to dedicate time to this project pro-bono when there's paid work to do too.

All donations come with an emailed receipt so you can claim this as a business expense. Hell, you could even bill it on to your client with a handling fee and make a profit - if that's your thing.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who's tried out OSCPoint and especially those who have provided feedback and suggestions.


SNRSE commented 2 months ago

I would love a way to use websockets or HTTP requests to get FeedBack instead of OSC. We currently are using OSCPoint to control a redundant pair of Powerpoint systems from 2 Companion and with OSC we can only get FeedBack on one of them.

PhillPower commented 2 months ago

Could we get separate mediaRemainingFormatted variables for minutes and seconds? Use case: mediaRemainingFormatted_m on one button and mediaRemainingFormatted_s next to it, both in nice, big 44pt text.

compgeek35610 commented 2 months ago

I’d appreciate the ability to send feedback to multiple IP addresses at the same time, perhaps entering in the IP field comma separated

phuvf commented 2 months ago

I would love a way to use websockets or HTTP requests to get FeedBack instead of OSC. We currently are using OSCPoint to control a redundant pair of Powerpoint systems from 2 Companion and with OSC we can only get FeedBack on one of them.

You should be able to get feedback from both by changing the remote port on the second machine to something else. You'll also need two connections in Companion and edit the Local Port to match.

phuvf commented 2 months ago

Could we get separate mediaRemainingFormatted variables for minutes and seconds? Use case: mediaRemainingFormatted_m on one button and mediaRemainingFormatted_s next to it, both in nice, big 44pt text.

This feels like more of a UI issue than a control issue, so should probably be handled elsewhere - for example, in the Companion module.

It's currently possible using this technique:

roopeberg commented 2 months ago

Any possibilty for osx version?

steelgriffin1 commented 2 months ago

Any option to change the local and remote port names to something more clear, like companion server address and PowerPoint machine address?

steelgriffin1 commented 2 months ago

Is it possible for oscpoint to remember the server address last used instead of always defaulting to localhost?

phuvf commented 2 months ago

Any option to change the local and remote port names to something more clear, like companion server address and PowerPoint machine address?

While Companion is the dominate method of controlling OSCPoint, it's not the only tool that can be used, so I'd rather stick with generic (and technically accurate) terms right now.

However, you're right that it's a bit confusing to users that haven't come across these terms before - so I've added a configuration guide that should make things a bit clearer: see for more details.

phuvf commented 2 months ago

Is it possible for oscpoint to remember the server address last used instead of always defaulting to localhost?

It should do this already - let me test!

OckertM commented 2 months ago

I love the fact that OSC can be used to open basically any file on the computer. Something that would really be useful on the fly would be a simple open next and open previous file. Most techies locally and I'm sure all over the world renames the files to be in the order and 2 simple buttons would be enough for ~90-95% of users.

phuvf commented 2 months ago

I’d appreciate the ability to send feedback to multiple IP addresses at the same time, perhaps entering in the IP field comma separated

So I just checked, and you can send OSC feedback to a broadcast address - for example - and all machines on that subnet will be able to receive it. Not much use across subnets, but should be useful in a lot of situations.

I'll update to show this setup.

phuvf commented 2 months ago

I love the fact that OSC can be used to open basically any file on the computer. Something that would really be useful on the fly would be a simple open next and open previous file. Most techies locally and I'm sure all over the world renames the files to be in the order and 2 simple buttons would be enough for ~90-95% of users.

This is a great suggestion - but I think I'll build this into the Companion module instead of the actual add-in itself. This will be updated once v2.x of the add-in is actually finalised.

In the meantime, I've added it here:

phuvf commented 1 month ago

Announcing v2.x beta release

I've just released v2.0.0.1 of the add in, which is now in beta. You can download this here, using the Feeling brave? link:

This new version is fully backward-compatible with previous versions, but includes new features, based on the excellent halp and feedback given above. Highlights are:

For a full run down of the changes see

Companion Module

There's an updated Companion module as well, but it'll be a while before this is included in the main Companion release, as I just missed the deadline to get into v3.3.0 - however, you can download and run this as a dev module if you really need that sweet file control right now.

Once the module makes it into the Companion Beta builds I'll do a Facebook post with this news - but I thought you guys/gals had specific requests for feature and this may help make shows easier for you right now.

Sneak preview of (some) of the updated buttons:

v2 x sample layout

Warning - beta software ahead!

Once the module makes it into the Companion Beta builds I'll do a Facebook post with this news - but I thought you guys/gals had specific requests for feature and this may help make shows easier for you right now. Feel free to share this with anyone else who you think may benefit.

Finally, please let me know how you get on with this (both successes and failures). Thanks in advance for the feedback!

helex1 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Nick,

I can't get OSCPoint to open a file - I can select it, but open file only works if PP is already running. Then I can scroll through te files and open the file I want. Don't know if languagesettings could have anything to do with it (Dutch) I am testing on Companion 3.4 Beta with OSCPoint I did check the box for file-access

Is there an option to start PP directly from a button?

helex1 commented 3 weeks ago

PPStart-OSC I used this now to start so I don't get to the machine to run the application