phylogeny-explorer / explorer

The Phylogeny Explorer is a navigable, online encyclopaedia of the entire evolutionary tree of life.
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PEP Explorer user database/list #47

Open Brachiosteve opened 5 years ago

Brachiosteve commented 5 years ago

This feature request will speed up (current manually scrolling) searches in the list, which is getting increasingly important/necessary as we now have hundreds rather than dozens of users, some not in join date order.

The best solution is (to my limited knowledge) to enable a search facility, at least on the first (name) column, but if it is difficult, I do not consider it important enough to incorporate, unless/until sufficient volunteers are available.

As it is now possible to copy/paste the whole list in one go, (it wasn't before) into a spreadsheet to then do a search, this is currently a solution and the job, if chosen to go ahead, is not urgent.

I do not consider it necessary to add screen shots, as the explanation is straightforward enough, but I am happy to add anything or answer further questions.

Brachiosteve commented 5 years ago

Re: The explorer user database/list.

I notice that it does not appear to naturally be in date/join order and no other order is possible. ???

Would it be easily possible to enable a search function, at least for names. We are now in the hundreds and we in HR/admin often spend a long time searching for people who ask about why they have not been accepted yet.

Brachiosteve commented 5 years ago

Have just been trying scroll down all of the Explorer users from within the user list (which became possible some time ago) but I seem to be unable now. Did something change or am I doing something wrong? To capture all of the list, screen by screen will take ages.

c-trimm commented 5 years ago

@Brachiosteve, I can't recreate the issue with scrolling, and nothing has changed recently, so I think it may just be your computer. In the future, please keep bug reports (like your last message) and feature requests (like your first two messages) separate. I understand they are related in that they both deal with the user list, but they are different things and would need to be handled separately.

As for the rest of this issue, it sounds like you would like to be able to search and sort the user list. Is that all that you're requesting here?

Personally, I think there is a LOT of room for improvement for the users page, but getting search and sort functionality would be a good start.

@Developer: If I recall correctly, all of the user data is sent when the users page is accessed. We should be able to implement a simple search and sort on the front end without having to touch the DB. If sorting turns out to be a pain with the current table, just worry about getting searching working so that admins at least have a way to find people quickly.

Brachiosteve commented 5 years ago

As for the rest of this issue, it sounds like you would like to be able to search and sort the user list. Is that all that you're requesting here?
