phylogeny-explorer / explorer

The Phylogeny Explorer is a navigable, online encyclopaedia of the entire evolutionary tree of life.
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i18n #7

Open i2xzy opened 5 years ago

i2xzy commented 5 years ago

Casey Trimm 8 months ago We need to look into ways to internationalize the app. This means that we'll need to spot areas that output text and provide a mechanism for translation, as well as a way that translators can provide the translation data and have it read by the app.

Perhaps we can look into building a language helper function that pulls in the user's language (user settings, fall back to a cookie for users not logged in). I'm a fan of the way Magento handles translations, which is simply that it runs any text through a function and that function looks at the users language, then pulls in a language file, looks for that string of text and then swaps it with the translation. It would look something like

translate('This is some text.');
i2xzy commented 5 years ago

Emmanuel Proulx 2 months ago Things to ponder: The app itself could be translatable but the data that’s another story. If we mimmic the example of Wikipedia, we would need a separate database for each language. The alternative would be to have a single database with one {table|set of fields} for each language. If we decide to NOT translate the data, then let’s consider not translating the app either.

dracontes commented 5 years ago

For the time being, at least, English is the de facto language of Science. But if the app and data won't be translated, this is something of which anyone coming in via the translated frontpage should be warned about.