phylotastic / phylotastic-portal

Web tool (ruby on rails) providing access to phylotastic services for acquiring species trees.
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interactive list creation #269

Open hdliv opened 7 years ago

hdliv commented 7 years ago

User JH comments: " I would have thought you would have the option of entering species into a webform rather than having to make a text file and uploading the species names"

To do:

epontell commented 7 years ago

how difficult would it be to just have a form that generates the text file to be fed to the next step?

arlin commented 7 years ago

@epontell, that would probably be relatively easy. However, we have an opportunity to create links with existing technology provided by others. GBIF has a DwC-A assistant. I don't know how good it is. See . If this is really good, then in principle we could send users to GBIF where they could make, not just a list, but a list that includes author, date, description and so on-- the metadata we really want to encourage people to store with their list. I'd also like to be sure, on an ongoing basis, that our list processor is compatible with the DwC-A files produced elsewhere. There are an enormous number of DwC-A files in the biodiversity informatics world, thus a large number of potential customers.