phymooc / learn-blockchain

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Concepts #1

Open phymo opened 3 years ago

phymo commented 3 years ago
phymo commented 3 years ago
phymo commented 3 years ago
phymo commented 1 year ago


phymo commented 1 year ago

SegWit: 隔离见证

phymo commented 1 year ago
phymo commented 1 year ago

Lightning is a layer-2 protocol that interacts with Bitcoin to allow users to exchange their bitcoins "off-chain". a way to transact bitcoins using off-chain channels between pairs of people, so that only a first and final state have to be written to the blockchain.

phymo commented 1 year ago

the foundation of a Bitcoin address is a public key: someone sends funds to your public key, and then you use your private key to redeem it.

phymo commented 1 year ago

digital signature is a combination of a message and a private key that can then be unlocked with a public key. Since there's a one-to-one correspendence between the elements of a keypair, unlocking with a public key proves that the signer controlled the corresponding private key.

phymo commented 1 year ago
phymo commented 1 year ago
phymo commented 1 year ago