phyver / GameShell

a game to learn (or teach) how to use standard commands in a Unix shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.18k stars 140 forks source link

awk: /home/gsh-user/gameshell/scripts/reflow.awk: line 182: function wcscolumns never defined #105

Closed hellosputnik closed 2 years ago

hellosputnik commented 2 years ago

I am testing the project on my MacBook Pro using Docker and I noticed that I got some warnings after any mission that displays the ASCII treasure chest such as mission 3 or mission 9.

Docker information

$ docker images
gsh          latest    99a316e90dd2   7 hours ago   232MB

Console output

[mission 3] $ cd
[mission 3] $ cd Castle/Main_building/Throne_room/
[mission 3] $ gsh check

Congratulations, mission 3 has been successfully completed!

awk: /home/gsh-user/gameshell/scripts/reflow.awk: line 182: function wcscolumns never defined
awk: /home/gsh-user/gameshell/scripts/reflow.awk: line 182: function wcscolumns never defined
awk: /home/gsh-user/gameshell/scripts/reflow.awk: line 182: function wcscolumns never defined
awk: /home/gsh-user/gameshell/scripts/reflow.awk: line 182: function wcscolumns never defined
awk: /home/gsh-user/gameshell/scripts/reflow.awk: line 182: function wcscolumns never defined
    _.-:'_.-::::::'  ||
  .'`-.-:::::::'     ||
 /.'`;|:::::::'      ||_
||   ||::::::'     _.;._'-._
||   ||:::::'  _.-!oo @.!-._'-.
\'.  ||:::::.-!()oo @!()@.-'_.|
 '.'-;|:.-'.&$@.& ()$%-'o.'\U||
   `>'-.!@%()@'@_%-'_.-o _.|'||
 jgs||-._'-.@.-'_.-' _.-o  |'||
    ||=[ '-._.-\U/.-'    o |'||
    || '-.]=|| |'|      o  |'||
    ||      || |'|        _| ';
    ||      || |'|    _.-'_.-'
    |'-._   || |'|_.-'_.-'
     '-._'-.|| |' `_.-'

  |                                    |
  | Use the command                    |
  | $ gsh help                         |
  | to get the list of "gsh" commands. |
  |                                    |

phyver commented 2 years ago

Oops, my fault. 746bd36d should fix this.