pi-hole / FTL

The Pi-hole FTL engine
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app password not working in v6 #1885

Closed gompa closed 4 months ago

gompa commented 4 months ago



Expected behavior

to be authenticated with app password

Actual behavior / bug

always get the following response if using app password: {'session': {'valid': False, 'totp': False, 'sid': None, 'validity': -1}, 'took': 0.04996514320373535}

example :

get token with app password:
current app password :Mrfzk391qKixQXLoE7usZmxS7ieEyVoL55BShVODEIU=
postdata : {'password': 'Mrfzk391qKixQXLoE7usZmxS7ieEyVoL55BShVODEIU='}
get token with  app password: Mrfzk391qKixQXLoE7usZmxS7ieEyVoL55BShVODEIU= 
results: {'session': {'valid': False, 'totp': False, 'sid': None, 'validity': -1}, 'took': 0.05025434494018555}

get token with client password: test 
postdata : {'password': 'test'}
results: {'session': {'valid': True, 'totp': False, 'sid': 'O/WUklYFGglVcMYNUnh6gA=', 'csrf': 'HZ9PkTvqUQZjeZsA5Bc8vQ=', 'validity': 1800}, 'took': 0.04983234405517578}

generate new app password using client token: 
result: {"app":{"password":"PtqvT4mnl5lK/KnWNPY1Qnnlxq2W++fxDfP59BgRZeU=","hash":"$BALLOON-SHA256$v=1$s=1024,t=32$OFffzmu3Ys1/lghFoyw+Cg==$b24QQhKw3EWPNcOjLdMzofa2k3KjSTlwgZMCQs3pG/c="},"took":0.099813461303710938}

get token with generated app password:PtqvT4mnl5lK/KnWNPY1Qnnlxq2W++fxDfP59BgRZeU=
postdata : {'password': 'PtqvT4mnl5lK/KnWNPY1Qnnlxq2W++fxDfP59BgRZeU='}
get token with app password: PtqvT4mnl5lK/KnWNPY1Qnnlxq2W++fxDfP59BgRZeU=
results: {'session': {'valid': False, 'totp': False, 'sid': None, 'validity': -1}, 'took': 0.04996514320373535}

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create app password
  2. authenticate with app password
DL6ER commented 4 months ago

Could you provide some more details which tools you are using? Using the same version, it works fine for me, full example below: Screenshot from 2024-02-13 11-33-30

$ curl -X POST -d '{"password":"cJ/RH4Z1xKAu8Lk2DfRbhi6cZ3F4mG26AXhkZ8n4Ad0="}' | jq
  "session": {
    "valid": true,
    "totp": false,
    "sid": "W1fiKShVr9YXHh91i1iUzA=",
    "csrf": "mKijoLyeCEfL/SGL5YNUOw=",
    "validity": 1800
  "took": 0.09941768646240234
DL6ER commented 4 months ago

One additional hint: When requesting GET /auth/app, you will be provided with an example of a password suiting our security standards. Nothing more than that. This GET alone will not enable this password for you (it is idempotent)!

To enable the application password, you will have to use PATCH /config (webserver.api.app_pwhash) to the hash provided to enable this new password, e.g. quoting from your post above

generate new app password using client token: result: {"app":{"password":"PtqvT4mnl5lK/KnWNPY1Qnnlxq2W++fxDfP59BgRZeU=","hash":"$BALLOON-SHA256$v=1$s=1024,t=32$OFffzmu3Ys1/lghFoyw+Cg==$b24QQhKw3EWPNcOjLdMzofa2k3KjSTlwgZMCQs3pG/c="},"took":0.099813461303710938}

Let's apply the hash you provided in your example:

$ curl -X PATCH -d '{"config":{"webserver":{"api":{"app_pwhash":"$BALLOON-SHA256$v=1$s=1024,t=32$OFffzmu3Ys1/lghFoyw+Cg==$b24QQhKw3EWPNcOjLdMzofa2k3KjSTlwgZMCQs3pG/c="}}}}' | jq
  "config": {
    "webserver": {
      "api": {
        "app_pwhash": "$BALLOON-SHA256$v=1$s=1024,t=32$OFffzmu3Ys1/lghFoyw+Cg==$b24QQhKw3EWPNcOjLdMzofa2k3KjSTlwgZMCQs3pG/c="
  "took": 2.574920654296875e-05

This enables your app password:

$ curl -X POST -d '{"password":"PtqvT4mnl5lK/KnWNPY1Qnnlxq2W++fxDfP59BgRZeU="}' | jq
  "session": {
    "valid": true,
    "totp": false,
    "sid": "vrIufq7jpxL6CRXSyprT1g=",
    "csrf": "PBehxmbTMpAFSVr1qTDPSA=",
    "validity": 1800
  "took": 0.13706016540527344
gompa commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the information, and you are right; I just requested the app password and never set it in the config. Setting it using the patch web API call works as expected.

However, when trying to set it by calling: pihole-FTL --config webserver.api.app_pwhash 'passwordhash', it's required to restart the FTL service for the new password to work. Is this the expected behavior?

DL6ER commented 4 months ago

However, when trying to set it by calling: pihole-FTL --config webserver.api.app_pwhash 'passwordhash', it's required to restart the FTL service for the new password to work. Is this the expected behavior?

No, it is not and there is actually no restart necessary on my local Pi-hole:

$ curl -X POST -d '{"password":"PtqvT4mnl5lK/KnWNPY1Qnnlxq2W++fxDfP59BgRZeU="}' | jq
  "session": {
    "valid": false,
    "totp": false,
    "sid": null,
    "validity": -1
  "took": 0.1096031665802002

$ sudo pihole-FTL --config webserver.api.app_pwhash

$ sudo pihole-FTL --config webserver.api.app_pwhash '$BALLOON-SHA256$v=1$s=1024,t=32$OFffzmu3Ys1/lghFoyw+Cg==$b24QQhKw3EWPNcOjLdMzofa2k3KjSTlwgZMCQs3pG/c='

$ curl -X POST -d '{"password":"PtqvT4mnl5lK/KnWNPY1Qnnlxq2W++fxDfP59BgRZeU="}' | jq
  "session": {
    "valid": true,
    "totp": false,
    "sid": "X7/zbDgyiN0QIFhR8mNG2A=",
    "csrf": "8bOL9WIhLyoHh/79aNJCqg=",
    "validity": 1800
  "took": 0.1388406753540039

I assume your observation that a restart is required corresponds with the running FTL process not getting to know that the config has changed and, hence, that it needs to re-read the file. Do you see a line like INFO: Reloading config due to pihole.toml change in your /var/log/pihole/FTL.log when running the pihole-FTL --config ... command?

gompa commented 4 months ago

I believe there might be a 'race condition' occurring on my end. If the login request is sent too quickly after changing the password with pihole-FTL --config, it may fail to authenticate.

Thank you for your assistance, and sorry for the noise.

DL6ER commented 4 months ago

No worries, maybe someone will arrive here via Google in the future and have the same question. Glad it's arrived for you!

I think we can improve the API documentation to be more explicit about that the app password needs to be applied before it can be used.

DL6ER commented 4 months ago
