pi-hole / docker-pi-hole

Pi-hole in a docker container
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FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 does not overwrite Enviroment Variable set in the Dockerfile for the build image in dockercompose file #1613

Closed MNarath1 closed 4 months ago

MNarath1 commented 4 months ago

This is a: Bug


When using the FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 enviroment variable in the composer file it will not overwrite the FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 set during the docker build of the source image for the pihole docker aka in the Dockerfile. Only way i have found to overwrite this enviroment variable so far was to use the image as a base and define FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 again with the desired IP instead of beeing able to set this up in the composer file

Related Issues

How to reproduce the issue

  1. Environment data

    • Operating System: Rasbian
    • Hardware: RasPi 4B
    • Kernel Architecture:
    • Docker Install Info and version:
    • Software source: official docker-ce
    • Supplimentary Software:
    • Hardware architecture:
  2. docker-compose.yml contents, docker run shell command, or paste a screenshot of any UI based configuration of containers here

  3. any additional info to help reproduce

These common fixes didn't work for my issue

If the above debugging / fixes revealed any new information note it here. Add any other debugging steps you've taken or theories on root cause that may help.

MNarath1 commented 4 months ago

nevermind i am just stupid i happened to use docker compose restart instead of up turns out that does not update the Enviroment variables