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Normal Operation of Node? #112

Open nathusius opened 3 years ago

nathusius commented 3 years ago

Not really a problem, as I think my node is running correctly, but just wondered what are typical numbers for input and output connections? I am seeing 8 outgoing (the maximum) but usually only low numbers (1~3) incoming and often 0, so well below the maximum of 64; does this sound normal?!


mokhabarat commented 3 years ago

im not seeing any incoming connections and not supporting other nodes!

nathusius commented 3 years ago

im not seeing any incoming connections and not supporting other nodes!

Are you running the consensus container, or just the port checker?

nathusius commented 3 years ago

I did realise that I needed to setup my network adapter to use a fixed IP address (for wired network connection to my router), otherwise the router rule that I setup to allow incoming connections on the pi ports was no longer valid after a reboot! The result was that the consensus container was running OK with 8 outgoing connections, but 0 incoming (when it had previously been working fine, with a few incoming connections)

nathusius commented 3 years ago

OK, this is weird, now seeing incoming connections in the range 8~10; could be since I upgraded to Pi Node 0.4.4, or maybe the system stress tests the nodes by gradually increasing the connections to see how you cope? All interesting stuff, well, to me at least! ;-)

mokhabarat commented 3 years ago


this is my setup. im using a vpn with port forwarding and allowing the port range from 01 to 09 but still no incoming connections

ihatejam commented 3 years ago

@mokhabarat You're fine. You have absolutely nothing to worry about... At the time you posted the pic, your node was still catching up. Once it catches up and says "State: Synced!" instead of "State: Catching up" then it will be ready to serve other nodes and take incoming connection requests. Even then, it might only take one or two connections every now and then -- so seeing it at zero incoming connections will still not be unusual. Don't worry about it though -- if you're syncing, then you're good to go.

nathusius commented 3 years ago

@mokhabarat You have been setup much longer than me! Have you checked that the pi ports are definitely open using https://www.ipfingerprints.com/portscan.php they should all report as "open" there (NOT closed or filtered)

nathusius commented 3 years ago

Is Windows 10 Home a problem? I thought I read somewhere that Pi Node needs Pro to work, but I might well be wrong about that!

mokhabarat commented 3 years ago

i've actually never seen it other than zero incoming connections thats why i'm a bit worried. i have a dedicated setup running pi 24/7 with the exception of a few minutes a day due to power outage and the router reconnecting. the 76% availability is due to the first few days me not figuring out how to actually run the setup 😁

ihatejam commented 3 years ago

Is Windows 10 Home a problem? I thought I read somewhere that Pi Node needs Pro to work, but I might well be wrong about that!

Not a problem - If you're running a recent build of Windows 10 Home (build 2004 or higher) then Docker Desktop goes straight onto it - as opposed to Docker Toolbox on older versions which is more cumbersome to set up.

ihatejam commented 3 years ago

i've actually never seen it other than zero incoming connections thats why i'm a bit worried. i have a dedicated setup running pi 24/7 with the exception of a few minutes a day due to power outage and the router reconnecting. the 76% availability is due to the first few days me not figuring out how to actually run the setup 😁

As long as it says you're sync'ed then your node is fine. At this stage, don't worry about the inbound/outbound connections.

mokhabarat commented 3 years ago

did the port scan and found out that the ports are closed! although im using a vpn with port forwarding!

ihatejam commented 3 years ago

did the port scan and found out that the ports are closed! although im using a vpn with port forwarding! If you're running the consensus container already, then only a few ports will show as open (only 3 if I remember correctly). The only way to see them all open is to shut down the consensus container and load the stellar-dummy again (which will listen on all 10 ports). But this is not necessary - Your setup looks fine -- especially since your last pic was saying that it was "catching up" and the last block was 3 minutes prior to the pic -- this would imply that the port-forwarding is working fine for the purposes of the consensus container.

brokenisuseless commented 3 years ago

did the port scan and found out that the ports are closed! although im using a vpn with port forwarding!

what vpn will allow you to port forward?

brokenisuseless commented 3 years ago

did the port scan and found out that the ports are closed! although im using a vpn with port forwarding! If you're running the consensus container already, then only a few ports will show as open (only 3 if I remember correctly). The only way to see them all open is to shut down the consensus container and load the stellar-dummy again (which will listen on all 10 ports). But this is not necessary - Your setup looks fine -- especially since your last pic was saying that it was "catching up" and the last block was 3 minutes prior to the pic -- this would imply that the port-forwarding is working fine for the purposes of the consensus container.

the directions say you can be a node without port forward, but you have to have port forward to be a super node

brokenisuseless commented 3 years ago

Is Windows 10 Home a problem? I thought I read somewhere that Pi Node needs Pro to work, but I might well be wrong about that!

Not a problem - If you're running a recent build of Windows 10 Home (build 2004 or higher) then Docker Desktop goes straight onto it - as opposed to Docker Toolbox on older versions which is more cumbersome to set up.

I saw somewhere there was an issue with AMD cpu's and that microsoft didnt support nested , it may be resolved now, because I also saw alot about windows10 home not working with docker