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PI needs someone to write an INSTALLER.EXE for the Node #120

Open pilgrim103 opened 3 years ago

pilgrim103 commented 3 years ago

I know it is asking alot. Resources are tight. But judging from all the people having problems installing the Node software, I think an Installer would help alot. Yes, they would still have to do their own Port Forwarding for BOTH the Windows 10 Firewall AND their Cable/Modem Router, but the installer would sure make things alot easier. It would need to install not only the current version of the Node but also Docker, Linux(some version), Oracle Virtual Box,etc. It would also have to issue the necessary commands from the Windows Powershell and anything else I cannot remember. I am retired and 68 years old but have a Computer Science degree and 40 years experience, and I had trouble getting the node running. One of the problems is the "step by step" instructions are incomplete and the rest regarding Docker, Linux VM, etc. are out of order. People who should not be running a Node or Supernode are being led to believe they have the technical expertise to do it. They are just getting frustrated and giving up and leaving. I am still debating if I have the technical knowledge even though I have one desktop currently caught up in the blockchain and one waiting to be selected to run the Node, just running along waiting. I would like to run a Supernode but I am not sure if I have a cable outage that it would be acceptable. Anyway, people need to know how to open their ports, perhaps know how to issue the "ipconfig" command, then download the .exe, run it in Administrator mode and happy days are here again. I feel really sorry reading all the posts of people who should not be trying to run Node, which may be myself included. In any case, INSTALLER, please. I would do it myself but my experience is limited to coding in Assembler, Fortran, some Pascal, LISP, SAS for an old IBM 370 mainframe so big it took up the whole 27th floor of the old Sears Tower (now Willis Tower). The air conditioner to keep the mainframe cool took up the whole 28th floor. So much for Climate Change concerns.