Hi everyone, just recently I had a problem with the ports, since the IP was gray, having helped the sysadmins of my operator, I got the ip! The ports were opened and everything was checked, there are three green ticks in the application, check, check, check! But, there is no movement in the docker! No connections not there, not back! What could be the problem and is there one
! https://prnt.sc/16848sd
Hi everyone, just recently I had a problem with the ports, since the IP was gray, having helped the sysadmins of my operator, I got the ip! The ports were opened and everything was checked, there are three green ticks in the application, check, check, check! But, there is no movement in the docker! No connections not there, not back! What could be the problem and is there one ! https://prnt.sc/16848sd