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Ports and ISP #4

Open chipmoon27 opened 4 years ago

chipmoon27 commented 4 years ago

Some ISP providers will flag these ports as malicious even though manually setting rules, it will require user personal phone call to resolve issue after speaking with Support with ISP explaining they need these ports opened.

Example case: Xfinity (Edit) Add AT&T

Personally set up node testing working after 24/hrs ISP flagged it.

Only resolved after phone call from user to ISP.

Ports back open and node talking.

chipmoon27 commented 4 years ago

Additional info: personally setup this node. static IP set up via router for device all required ports opened TCP only 10 individual rules one for each required port. Others I’ve set static IP via adapter settings TCP/IP IPv4

AvinashGudapati1987 commented 4 years ago

My Username: Mirror108, Inorder to cope up Docker I have upgraded my Laptop buying Windows 10 Pro, as Windows 10 Home is incompatible.

Now the Issue is, Due to Non-Static IP Address my Ports are NOT OPEN, moreover my ISP demanding Hefty Fees to provide STATIC IP Address for 1year, and many fellow PI users in chat reported same issue with Port Forwarding. Hence, I request you to provide any other alternate solution to overcome this issue. Attachment for your reference.

Port Not Open

chipmoon27 commented 4 years ago

Static external IP shouldn’t be necessary can you please https://discord.gg/48DvkFy come here so we can discuss and close this find me @RisingPhoenix

byteknight1 commented 4 years ago

Many of ISP block ports and some routers won't configure perfectly to forward ports, so even if they're willing to participate will be limited from testing, This doesn't sound ideal solution even for testing purpose.

ihatejam commented 4 years ago

Static ip address on your router from your provider is unnecessary. You should reserve an ip address on your home network for your node pc and configure port forwarding of the ports to that ip address. (On some routers port forwarding is done under Virtual Server). If your provider blocks the ports, move to one that does not or look for a 3rd party vpn service that offers port forwarding (usually not free)

AvinashGudapati1987 commented 4 years ago

Static ip address on your router from your provider is unnecessary. You should reserve an ip address on your home network for your node pc and configure port forwarding of the ports to that ip address. (On some routers port forwarding is done under Virtual Server). If your provider blocks the ports, move to one that does not or look for a 3rd party vpn service that offers port forwarding (usually not free)

Buddy, My Mail Id: avinash.9611@gmail.com & I am willing to give you Virtual Access (Any Desk).. If you can try to Fix it.

ihatejam commented 4 years ago

Static ip address on your router from your provider is unnecessary. You should reserve an ip address on your home network for your node pc and configure port forwarding of the ports to that ip address. (On some routers port forwarding is done under Virtual Server). If your provider blocks the ports, move to one that does not or look for a 3rd party vpn service that offers port forwarding (usually not free)

Buddy, My Mail Id: (removed) & I am willing to give you Virtual Access (Any Desk).. If you can try to Fix it.

So the problem ended up being that the ports are blocked by the ISP.

pcube2000 commented 4 years ago

My Username: Mirror108, Inorder to cope up Docker I have upgraded my Laptop buying Windows 10 Pro, as Windows 10 Home is incompatible.

Now the Issue is, Due to Non-Static IP Address my Ports are NOT OPEN, moreover my ISP demanding Hefty Fees to provide STATIC IP Address for 1year, and many fellow PI users in chat reported same issue with Port Forwarding. Hence, I request you to provide any other alternate solution to overcome this issue. Attachment for your reference.

Port Not Open

U didn't had to upgrade from home to pro, u could just install containers and chande some registry...

fairowl-om commented 5 months ago

@ihatejam 1) Can shifting "router firewall" to low level or completely disabling router firewall will help or it will make my device completely vulnerable to external threats? 2) can DMZ help in ports listening?

cheme75 commented 5 months ago


1) Can shifting "router firewall" to low level or completely disabling router firewall will help or it will make my device completely vulnerable to external threats?

2) can DMZ help in ports listening?

If you got a house full of various devices that use wifi/local network, then I'd say it's a big risk to disable any router firewalls unless you have a gateway/modem and can move the pi node pc off to itself on a separate subnet - like your primary subnet is 192.168.x.y and you setup a second router connected to your gateway with a 172. or 10.10 internal subnet. Then at least the pi node is isolated. Frankly, the bonus is fairly decent but overall, the daily pi earnings now are barely worth the effort especially if pi ends up never trading on an exchange or is valued very low which is highly likely since is has no features of crypto value which is scarcity and difficulty to mine.