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Linux docker run command ? #47

Open ParaplegicRacehorse opened 3 years ago

ParaplegicRacehorse commented 3 years ago


What is the docker run command needed to run a Pi node without the overhead of running a VM (container) inside a VM (WSL) on top of Windows (host os) ?

I mean, where is the container hosted (docker hub? quay.io? other?)

ihatejam commented 3 years ago

The problem is that the Node app has two parts - the Docker part that you've mentioned, but also an app part that lives outside of Docker. The app is used to transfer your Pi mobile app credentials to the docker setup via a code generated in your Pi mobile app - It also gives you the ability to test your node installation, check your availability stats, etc in a GUI. The node app also gives you all the benefits enjoyed on the mobile app EXCEPT for starting your mining.

Unfortunately, the app part has not been built for Linux yet (funny cos as you've pointed out, the docker containers are basically LXC-based). The Pi CT have promised to deliver a Linux version soon -- "soon" is relative though, cos they're a tiny dev team.

About the overheads -- Pi is not a proof-of-work crypto and does NOT require beast level computing power. I recognize the additional effort of having to setup and run a virtual system though.

ParaplegicRacehorse commented 3 years ago

The problem is that the Node app has two parts - the Docker part that you've mentioned, but also an app part that lives outside of Docker.

Basic poor design and implementation, then. Surely a web-UI could have been created (and launched in another Docker container) to achieve the same purpose and full cross-platform functionality right out of the gate. And the implementation would have been easier to create, would have better security (Windows telemetry and other leaks are well publicized), would have better stability (Windows is infamously unstable; yes, even Win10 when compared to other OSes), and would not have excluded an entire class of people, many of whom live in low-income countries and cannot reasonably be expected to possess the ability to pay for a Windows operating system license.

Pi was really exciting when it first launched. However, being treated as a third-class untermensch just because I choose not to operate MS Windows devices puts a really sour taste in my mouth. The delay of launching mainnet and ability to interact with the rest of the crypto ecosystem, or any other utility or monetary value, has soured it a lot more. And, being a privacy advocate, the KYC/AML requirements are even worse.

I have lost my initial excitement and, indeed, faith in the project. It will never achieve its goals. It is too encumbered by exclusionary practices when the stated purpose was to be inclusive.

ihatejam commented 3 years ago

Sorry you feel that way - You're not being singled out by any means - I'm a Linux user too. Right now they're testing the blockchain with a just few nodes and making do with a random/limited subset of whoever has access via the platforms currently supported. There are people on MacOS and Windows who, even though they have installed the node app, are not actually part of the node test -- i.e. installing the node app, does not give us automatic access to the testnet. It's "early days"!! - the situation is hardly unique to this project -- Not even nearly. As for KYC -- it was the easiest way to ensure uniqueness of accounts - so that people did not start up hundreds of fake accounts. They've already agreed that they still need to find a more inclusive way of getting uniqueness proven though, since their current 3rd party KYC provider is only able to process documents that have English on them - hardly suitable for a global project. But again - this is early days. The userbase has grown well beyond the Core Team's expectation - they have to scale their plans accordingly given the limited resources they have. While I understand your frustration, all I believe we can do is to have patience in exchange for their efforts in essentially providing "all this stuff" to us for free.