pi-null-mezon / vpglib

Opencv extension that allows to capture PPG signal from the video of the human face
51 stars 18 forks source link

compile failure #6

Closed paryang closed 6 years ago

paryang commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am trying to build the project under windows 10 with vs2013, got the 7 "unresolved external symbol" erros. ERROR LNK2019: unresolved external symbo vpg::FaceProcessor::__skinColor(*) which is referenced at vpg::FaceProcessor::enrollImage() same errors for:

  1. FaceProcessor::vftable
  2. PeakDetector::__loop
  3. PeakDetector::__seek
  4. PulseProcessor::__loop
  5. PulseProcessor::__seek
  6. PulseProcessor::vftable

all these symbols are defined in there include file, but no implementation in source files. BTW, I don't use the buildvpglib.pro to build the vpglib, jusr add source files and include files to the project with opencv headers & libs, then build directly. What should I do to get these errors solved?

paryang commented 6 years ago


pi-null-mezon commented 6 years ago

Did you #define in your project VPG_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE?