pi-top / pi-top-4-.NET-SDK

pi-top [4] .NET Core SDK with .NET Interactive Extensions
MIT License
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Devendor OpenCvSharp #3

Open colombod opened 4 years ago

colombod commented 4 years ago

Version 4.5.x of OpenCVSharp is available and that exposes OpenCV 4.5.0 functionalities

m-roberts commented 4 years ago

I will speak to @jcapona about this as he did the first compilation.

m-roberts commented 4 years ago

Tackling the first part of this - I will merge in 4.5.0 as we have it currently. I will need help with the NuGet packaging after that.

colombod commented 4 years ago

Tackling the first part of this - I will merge in 4.5.0 as we have it currently. I will need help with the NuGet packaging after that.

Sounds good and I can help with that but next turn of the crank is to use a docker file to pull in opencv specific version, build what we need and run a script to generate the nuget spec required and finally pack the stuff in a package we can get and push to nuget (manually build and push)

angusjfw commented 4 years ago

Is there a particular reason to use a Docker file for this script?

As we are compiling for arm, it will be easiest to do this on a rpi, rather than cross-compile. Compiling opencv on the pi generally uses pretty much all it's memory, requiring extra swap, and running docker will make that worse.

It sounds like we only need to do this process once, and if we need to start afresh Mike probably has some unused pi-topOS SD cards around 😛

m-roberts commented 4 years ago

I can't see why we need to worry about that now. If there's a NuGet package with 4.5.0, we have addressed the issues that are in front of us.

m-roberts commented 4 years ago

I have a PR open #12 which adds 4.5.0 OpenCVSharp. Can somebody confirm that I have done this correctly? What needs to happen next? I am unfamiliar with how to do the NuGet packaging part.

colombod commented 4 years ago

Not having the native dependencies available via nuget will affect the ability of pi-top user to run the app on their machine

m-roberts commented 4 years ago

Not sure how to act on that. Can you explain what needs to happen?

colombod commented 4 years ago

We need automation to

We need this process every time we have a dependency that

@paulmey has some suggestions we should take into account

m-roberts commented 3 years ago

Latest released version of OpenCVSharp is being built daily in a GitHub Action here: https://github.com/pi-top/opencvsharp-arm. There are still some things that need to be done there

m-roberts commented 3 years ago

OpenCVSharp should now be available from Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenCvSharp4.runtime.linux-arm/

colombod commented 3 years ago

you will still need the 4.5.2 binaries for the raspian as of now the repo contains only 4.5.0 in runtimes\opencvsharp\ the binaries of opencv4.5.2 still need to be done

m-roberts commented 3 years ago