pia-foss / desktop

Private Internet Access - Desktop VPN Client for Windows/macOS/Linux
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upgrade: run-in-terminal.sh doesn't find gnome-console version 45 kgx #61

Closed Hi-Phile closed 8 months ago

Hi-Phile commented 8 months ago

Problem: The installer script, run-in-terminal.sh does not work with the new gnome-console version 45 which is called kgx so after downloading the client update, the install update fails to launch.


environment variable which shows the terminal:


Debug log from PIA client:

[2023-10-16 19:59:55.708][631a][client.nativetrayqt][src/linux/nativetrayqt.cpp:482][debug] Menu was triggered "update"
[2023-10-16 19:59:55.708][631a][client.nativehelpers][src/nativehelpers.cpp:417][debug] Running command in terminal "/opt/piavpn/var/update/pia-linux-3.5.1-07760.run"
[2023-10-16 19:59:55.739][631a][common.process][src/exec.cpp:100][warning] (3)"/opt/piavpn/bin/run-in-terminal.sh" "/opt/piavpn/var/update/pia-linux-3.5.1-07760.run"
[2023-10-16 19:59:55.739][631a][client.nativehelpers][src/nativehelpers.cpp:426][debug] Process finished with exit code:  3
[2023-10-16 19:59:55.740][631a][qml][qrc:/components/common/UpdateNotificationStatus.qml:94][error] Failed to execute installer /opt/piavpn/var/update/pia-linux-3.5.1-07760.run

Workaround: You can manually run the downloaded update via sh /opt/piavpn/var/update/pia-linux-3.5.1-07760.run

kp-john-mair commented 8 months ago

Ironically, I included this in 3.5.1 so it should just work from now on. Thanks for the report!

kp-john-mair commented 8 months ago
