picandocodigo / List-Category-Posts

WordPress plugin which allows you to list posts from a category into a post/page using the [catlist] shortcode.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Custom Order by Intuitive Custom Post Order #483

Closed benhartwich closed 2 years ago

benhartwich commented 2 years ago


I tried to configure a custom ordering, which is made by the Intuitive Custom Post Order plugin (https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/intuitive-custom-post-order/). This plugin creates a new column to the table _posts which is called menu_order (nummeric values). I tried the following shortcode, but it seems that your plugin can´t see this custom database field, because no posts are displayed:

[catlist post_type="traffic" name=verkehr,baustelle,behinderung,blitzer,geisterfahrer,stau,unfall excerpt=full link_titles=no template=div title_class=lcp_title title_tag=h5 customfield_orderby="menu_order" order=asc customfield_orderby_type=NUMERIC]

Is there any chance to get this kind of ordering working or a similar custom order plugin, which you support?

klemens-st commented 2 years ago

Try using orderby instead of customfield_orderby.

benhartwich commented 2 years ago

Thanks, this seems to work: [catlist post_type="traffic" name=verkehr,baustelle,behinderung,blitzer,geisterfahrer,stau,unfall excerpt=full link_titles=no template=div title_class=lcp_title title_tag=h5 orderby="menu_order" order=asc orderby_type=NUMERIC]