picandocodigo / List-Category-Posts

WordPress plugin which allows you to list posts from a category into a post/page using the [catlist] shortcode.
GNU General Public License v2.0
241 stars 112 forks source link

Pagination 'no' doesn't list all posts #493

Closed pageiana closed 1 year ago

pageiana commented 1 year ago

Expected behavior

Should display ALL posts from the category as in the shortcode I added pagination='no'

Actual behavior

Only shows 30 posts. Even though there are 400 in that category

Shortcode used and steps to reproduce the behavior

[catlist name="french-articles" pagination='no']

WP version, LCP plugin version (versions of other software if relevant, e.g. PHP)

Latest (If you want to submit a feature request, delete the sections above and describe the suggested feature.)

klemens-st commented 1 year ago

Should display ALL posts from the category as in the shortcode

This is not true. Read the documentation carefully. By default the plug-in lists a predefined number of posts. You can change it with the numberposts parameter. To get all posts set it to -1.