pichillilorenzo / JavaScriptEnhancements

JavaScript Enhancements is a plugin for Sublime Text 3. It offers not only a smart javascript autocomplete but also a lot of features about creating, developing and managing javascript projects (real-time errors, code refactoring, etc.).
MIT License
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Flow keeps running in the background #77

Open magn0053 opened 5 years ago

magn0053 commented 5 years ago

Expected Behavior

Complete shutdown of Sublime Text and plugins when closing Sublime Text

Actual Behavior

Flow.exe keeps running in the background

Sublime Text console logs

No errors



Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Open Sublime Text
  2. Save a JavaScript file
  3. Close Sublime Text
  4. Open Task Manager to watch flow.exe still running


markljackson commented 5 years ago

Ditto on Mac OSX 10.14.6 with Sublime Text 3207.

I uninstalled JavaScript Enhancements, and flow shut down. It also seems to have stopped some other weird behavior, could be a coincidence.

raweden commented 4 years ago

Experienced the same issue when testing out this sublime plugin extension. Had around 20 flow processes spawn which where not taken care of, even persisted after Sublime where exited.

A quick fix would be to implement a timeout in the flow process itself, which kills the self process if it have not received a message over IPC for a given time. Even if the behaviour of spawning these processes in the first place is far from idle.

System: macOS 10.15.3 (19D76) and Sublime Text 3211

costa100 commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem on Windows 2016 - flow.exe used over 4GB of memory! I uninstalled the JavaScript Enhancements package.