pichillilorenzo / flutter_inappwebview

A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview, to use a headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window.
Apache License 2.0
3.18k stars 1.55k forks source link

Crash Android 8 & 9 example app #921

Open EArminjon opened 3 years ago

EArminjon commented 3 years ago


Technology Version
Flutter version 2.2.3
Plugin version 5.3.2
Android version 8, 9
iOS version
Xcode version

Device information:

Android studio Emulators :


Expected behavior:

Would use the webview on Android 8 and 9

Current behavior:

Crash every time when i follow the following steps.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone package app example
  2. Run app example (flutter pub get && flutter run --no-sound-null-safety)
  3. Click on the github logo on the top of the page, and wait few seconds
  4. See the crash


image image


Smartphone Android 8 :

Launching lib\main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
√  Built build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk.
Debug service listening on ws://
Syncing files to device Android SDK built for x86...
W/cr_CrashFileManager( 8840): /data/user/0/com.pichillilorenzo.flutter_inappwebviewexample/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698f0)
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
I/chatty  ( 8840): uid=10078(u0_a78) RenderThread identical 2 lines
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
I/chatty  ( 8840): uid=10078(u0_a78) RenderThread identical 18 lines
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
I/chatty  ( 8840): uid=10078(u0_a78) RenderThread identical 2 lines
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
I/zygote  ( 8840): Do partial code cache collection, code=57KB, data=58KB
I/zygote  ( 8840): After code cache collection, code=57KB, data=58KB
I/zygote  ( 8840): Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
I/chatty  ( 8840): uid=10078(u0_a78) RenderThread identical 2 lines
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
I/chatty  ( 8840): uid=10078(u0_a78) com.pichillilorenzo.flutter_inappwebviewexample identical 6 lines
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
I/flutter ( 8840): {message: Refused to load the image 'android-webview-video-poster:default_video_poster/7310627360018839132' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data: github.githubassets.com identicons.github.com collector.githubapp.com github-cloud.s3.amazonaws.com secured-user-images.githubusercontent.com/ *.githubusercontent.com customer-stories-feed.github.com spotlights-feed.github.com".
I/flutter ( 8840): , messageLevel: 3}
I/chatty  ( 8840): uid=10078(u0_a78) 1.ui identical 1 line
I/flutter ( 8840): {message: Refused to load the image 'android-webview-video-poster:default_video_poster/7310627360018839132' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data: github.githubassets.com identicons.github.com collector.githubapp.com github-cloud.s3.amazonaws.com secured-user-images.githubusercontent.com/ *.githubusercontent.com customer-stories-feed.github.com spotlights-feed.github.com".
I/flutter ( 8840): , messageLevel: 3}
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
I/chatty  ( 8840): uid=10078(u0_a78) RenderThread identical 2 lines
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/chromium( 8840): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder_autogen.h(1606)] [.WebGL-0x989a7700]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_ENUM : glGetIntegerv: pname was GL_MAX_SAMPLES_ANGLE
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
I/flutter ( 8840): {message: [.WebGL-0x989a7700]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_ENUM : glGetIntegerv: pname was GL_MAX_SAMPLES_ANGLE, messageLevel: 2}
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 8840): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa297e260: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0x942698a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000088ef
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000088ef
E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 8840): device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp:s_glGetIntegerv:764 GL error 0x500
I/chatty  ( 8840): uid=10078(u0_a78) Chrome_InProcGp identical 2 lines
E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 8840): device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp:s_glGetIntegerv:764 GL error 0x500
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00009122
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00009122
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00009125
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00009125
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008905
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008905
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008904
E/eglCodecCommon( 8840): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008904
E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 8840): device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp:s_glBindTexture:1953 GL error 0x500
W/google-breakpad( 8840): ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
W/google-breakpad( 8840): Chrome build fingerprint:
W/google-breakpad( 8840): 69.0.3497.100
W/google-breakpad( 8840): 349710017
W/google-breakpad( 8840): ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
F/libc    ( 8840): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 8921 (Chrome_InProcGp)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'google/sdk_gphone_x86/generic_x86:8.0.0/OSR1.180418.026/6741039:userdebug/dev-keys'
Revision: '0'
ABI: 'x86'
pid: 8840, tid: 8921, name: Chrome_InProcGp  >>> com.pichillilorenzo.flutter_inappwebviewexample <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
Cause: null pointer dereference
    eax 8f952300  ebx 9fca9e2c  ecx 9fa9be04  edx 0000001e
    esi 00000000  edi 0000806f
    xcs 00000073  xds 0000007b  xes 0000007b  xfs 0000003b  xss 0000007b
    eip 00000000  ebp 81b79480  esp 8237d83c  flags 00210292
    #00 pc 00000000  <unknown>
    #01 pc 001522ff  [anon:libc_malloc:8f800000]
    #02 pc 01f2ea2d  /system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk (offset 0x1022000)
    #03 pc 00e810eb  <unknown>
    #04 pc 0093a7ff  <unknown>
Lost connection to device.

Tablette Android 9 :

Launching lib\main.dart on AOSP on IA Emulator in debug mode...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
√  Built build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk.
Debug service listening on ws://
Syncing files to device AOSP on IA Emulator...
W/cr_CrashFileManager( 5851): /data/user/0/com.pichillilorenzo.flutter_inappwebviewexample/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1c0)
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 1 0
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker;-><init>(Landroid/content/Context;I)V (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker;->logEvent(Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent;)V (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent;->selectionStarted(I)Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent; (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent;->selectionModified(II)Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent; (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent;->selectionModified(IILandroid/view/textclassifier/TextClassification;)Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent; (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent;->selectionModified(IILandroid/view/textclassifier/TextSelection;)Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent; (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent;->selectionAction(III)Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent; (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent;->selectionAction(IIILandroid/view/textclassifier/TextClassification;)Landroid/view/textclassifier/logging/SmartSelectionEventTracker$SelectionEvent; (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/View;->getAccessibilityDelegate()Landroid/view/View$AccessibilityDelegate; (light greylist, linking)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setHostname(Ljava/lang/String;)V (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->getAlpnSelectedProtocol()[B (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard;->get()Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard; (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard;->open(Ljava/lang/String;)V (light greylist, reflection)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard;->warnIfOpen()V (light greylist, reflection)
W/cr_media( 5851): Requires BLUETOOTH permission
D/HostConnection( 5851): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xcd1e0bb0, tid 5926
D/HostConnection( 5851): HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_YUV420_888_to_NV21 ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_async_unmap_buffer ANDROID_EMU_sync_buffer_data GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_async_frame_commands ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_2 
E/chromium( 5851): [ERROR:gl_surface_egl.cc(335)] eglChooseConfig failed with error EGL_SUCCESS
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglCreateContext: 0xe03248c0: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xe03248c0: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xc2b12330)
W/VideoCapabilities( 5851): Unrecognized profile 4 for video/hevc
I/VideoCapabilities( 5851): Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
W/cr_MediaCodecUtil( 5851): HW encoder for video/avc is not available on this device.
E/chromium( 5851): [ERROR:gl_surface_egl.cc(335)] eglChooseConfig failed with error EGL_SUCCESS
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglCreateContext: 0xe0323ea0: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xe0323ea0: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xc2b12330)
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 2 (2) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
W/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Accessing hidden method Landroid/media/ImageReader;->newInstance(IIIIJ)Landroid/media/ImageReader; (dark greylist, linking)
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 7 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 2 (2) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 3 (3) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
I/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Background concurrent copying GC freed 6982(361KB) AllocSpace objects, 42(1788KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 2MB/5MB, paused 5.356ms total 107.589ms
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 2 (2) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
I/pwebviewexampl( 5851): Background concurrent copying GC freed 1055(162KB) AllocSpace objects, 47(1976KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 2MB/5MB, paused 454us total 129.208ms
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
I/chatty  ( 5851): uid=10085(com.pichillilorenzo.flutter_inappwebviewexample) identical 6 lines
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 2 (2) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
I/flutter ( 5851): {message: Refused to load the image 'android-webview-video-poster:default_video_poster/983189281972259602' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data: github.githubassets.com identicons.github.com collector.githubapp.com github-cloud.s3.amazonaws.com secured-user-images.githubusercontent.com/ *.githubusercontent.com customer-stories-feed.github.com spotlights-feed.github.com".
I/flutter ( 5851): , messageLevel: 3}
I/chatty  ( 5851): uid=10085(com.pichillilorenzo.flutter_inappwebviewexample) 1.ui identical 1 line
I/flutter ( 5851): {message: Refused to load the image 'android-webview-video-poster:default_video_poster/983189281972259602' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data: github.githubassets.com identicons.github.com collector.githubapp.com github-cloud.s3.amazonaws.com secured-user-images.githubusercontent.com/ *.githubusercontent.com customer-stories-feed.github.com spotlights-feed.github.com".
I/flutter ( 5851): , messageLevel: 3}
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 2 (2) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 2 (2) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 4 (4) 0 0
E/chromium( 5851): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder_autogen.h(1606)] [.WebGL-0xcc6ad300]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_ENUM : glGetIntegerv: pname was GL_MAX_SAMPLES_ANGLE
I/flutter ( 5851): {message: [.WebGL-0xcc6ad300]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_ENUM : glGetIntegerv: pname was GL_MAX_SAMPLES_ANGLE, messageLevel: 2}
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/EGL_emulation( 5851): eglMakeCurrent: 0xdd662a00: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xcd40f1a0)
I/Choreographer( 5851): Skipped 78 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
I/OpenGLRenderer( 5851): Davey! duration=1901ms; Flags=0, IntendedVsync=227515025880, Vsync=228815025828, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=228836742400, AnimationStart=228852539700, PerformTraversalsStart=228982942600, DrawStart=229239391100, SyncQueued=229349307900, SyncStart=229350448700, IssueDrawCommandsStart=229384713700, SwapBuffers=229392478300, FrameCompleted=229417487300, DequeueBufferDuration=1637000, QueueBufferDuration=8761000, 
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000085b5
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 1 (1) 0 0
D/eglCodecCommon( 5851): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 5 0
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000088ef
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x000088ef
E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 5851): device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp:s_glGetIntegerv:827 GL error 0x500
E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 5851): device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp:s_glGetIntegerv:837 GL error 0x500
E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 5851): device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp:s_glGetIntegerv:827 GL error 0x500
E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 5851): device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp:s_glGetIntegerv:837 GL error 0x500
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00009122
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00009122
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00009125
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00009125
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008905
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008905
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008904
E/eglCodecCommon( 5851): glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008904
E/emuglGLESv2_enc( 5851): device/generic/goldfish-opengl/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp:s_glBindTexture:2209 GL error 0x500
W/google-breakpad( 5851): ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
W/google-breakpad( 5851): Chrome build fingerprint:
W/google-breakpad( 5851): 69.0.3497.100
W/google-breakpad( 5851): 349710017
W/google-breakpad( 5851): ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
F/libc    ( 5851): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 in tid 5926 (Chrome_InProcGp), pid 5851 (pwebviewexample)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'google/sdk_gphone_x86_arm/generic_x86_arm:9/PSR1.180720.122/6736742:userdebug/dev-keys'
Revision: '0'
ABI: 'x86'
pid: 5851, tid: 5926, name: Chrome_InProcGp  >>> com.pichillilorenzo.flutter_inappwebviewexample <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
Cause: null pointer dereference
    eax de8bed00  ebx d6af7e2c  ecx d68e9e04  edx 0000001e
    edi 0000806f  esi 00000000
    ebp cd18bf00  esp b70fe83c  eip 00000000
    #00 pc 00000000  <unknown>
Lost connection to device.
github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

👋 @EArminjon

NOTE: This comment is auto-generated.

Are you sure you have already searched for the same problem?

Some people open new issues but they didn't search for something similar or for the same issue. Please, search for it using the GitHub issue search box or on the official inappwebview.dev website, or, also, using Google, StackOverflow, etc. before posting a new one. You may already find an answer to your problem!

If this is really a new issue, then thank you for raising it. I will investigate it and get back to you as soon as possible. Please, make sure you have given me as much context as possible! Also, if you didn't already, post a code example that can replicate this issue.

In the meantime, you can already search for some possible solutions online! Because this plugin uses native WebView, you can search online for the same issue adding android WebView [MY ERROR HERE] or ios WKWebView [MY ERROR HERE] keywords.

Following these steps can save you, me, and other people a lot of time, thanks!