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$ betty give me permission to this directory - incorrect semantics. #198

Open thorsig opened 6 years ago

thorsig commented 6 years ago

When the request "$ betty give me permission to this directory" is given, the command executed is (according to the information page): sudo chown -R whoami .

First and foremost, that should be the response to "$ betty give me recursive permissions to this directory" - just as "$ betty give me permission to this file" should not result in use of the -R switch.

Second, using chown is semantically incorrect as well - that should result from "$ betty give me [recursive] ownership on this directory/file" - instead one should find out what filesystem the current directory resides on, and use the correct extended attributes to give specific user-access to the file/directory.

It may seem nitpicky, but in the long run you will appreciate to have the semantics correct in the beginning.