PICLas is a parallel, three-dimensional PIC-DSMC solver developed cooperatively by the Institute of Space Systems, Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics at the University of Stuttgart and the spin-off boltzplatz. PICLas is a flexible particle-based plasma simulation suite.
When I run the attached model with "Particles-DSMC-UseOctree = T" I almost always get the error " Negative determinant of Jacobian in calc_df_inv" eventually. I've included the docker file as well. This is with BGK-Flow and version 3.3.0. The error occurs even with DSMC. I just got the model to work by turning off nearest neighbor though.
When I run the attached model with "Particles-DSMC-UseOctree = T" I almost always get the error " Negative determinant of Jacobian in calc_df_inv" eventually. I've included the docker file as well. This is with BGK-Flow and version 3.3.0. The error occurs even with DSMC. I just got the model to work by turning off nearest neighbor though.
docker.zip sonic_octree_copy.zip