picocms / Pico

Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
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🎅 🎉 Pico Admin Preview Release #378

Open PhrozenByte opened 7 years ago

PhrozenByte commented 7 years ago

It was exactly one year ago that we released Pico 1.0. Unfortunately Pico 2.0 isn't ready yet, but I think that it might get a nice tradition to release at least something on Christmas Eve. Thus I'm happy to announce the first, just-a-preview pre-alpha release of Pico's brand new admin plugin!

Click here to download the preview: pico-admin-preview.tar.gz

This archive contains a full installation of the current development build of Pico 2.0 (see #334) with all necessary dependencies. Navigate to http://example.com/pico/admin and follow the on-screen instructions to use Pico Admin.

You can find pico-admin's source code at https://github.com/PhrozenByte/pico-admin

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017! 🎅 🎉

bildschirmfoto am 2017-01-08 um 22 59 22-fullpage

@picocms @smcdougall @theshka

mayamcdougall commented 7 years ago

Looks pretty good. It's got the girlfriend approval factor, lol. She says she'd probably use that over editing text files directly. (I'd probably stick to text files, but that's just a personal preference :wink:)

I like the password hash generator, it's a nice touch. Probably a huge usability improvement too (especially over the old readme instructions of the Editor plugins).

From my brief look at it, everything seems really simple, polished, and well thought out. It seems straightforward enough that anyone could just sit down and use it. That's a huge plus, as you know how I'm always arguing the case of Pico for the non-techie user.

Also, sorry for the radio-silence lately. Besides the holidays, I've also been getting ready to move at the end of the month (so... in just a few short days). It's been really hectic, but everything should be back to business-as-usual in a few weeks.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to you and everyone in the Pico community!

@PhrozenByte Thank you for all the hard work you've put into Pico this year. Looking forward to the 2.0 release (whenever it's ready).

Let's plan for a big push toward growing Pico and its community throughout 2017!

dkyme commented 7 years ago

Happy New Year to you all!

@PhrozenByte thank you for the preview, I'm looking forward to the new Version of Pico. Specially the possibility of data files let me try the preview, buuuut.... I couldn't make it work.

Moved Temporarily

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Additionally, a 302 Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

showed up after I generated the password (in my case 1234) and posted $config['PicoAdmin']['auth_token'] = '$2y$12$YVdIOfOsXYCdm/MWPtHqC.rKuukJLOp6Ljqp.MudY7seH5mPbx/Hy'; into confi.php at the plugin section and clicked on the link.

Manually i can go to admin/content/edit/index and everything is working nicely - Thanks again!! Also, directly going to admin/login filling in the password, nothing happens, no redirect which I assumed.

But all in all, thank you for the new PlugIn, letting me learn a lot on how to do things in Pico and Twig ... and of course thank you, @smcdougall and @theshka for the effort you put in Pico.

Yours, Cornelius

PhrozenByte commented 7 years ago

@dkyme, sorry for the late response, thanks for testing! :smiley: Very strange issue. What browser and webserver software are you using?

dkyme commented 7 years ago

@PhrozenByte, no problem. Browser is Chrome latest Version 55, and Webserver both Apache, one Synology and a shared Host. But on shared Host the new .htaccess didn't work at all, I could not get clean Urls at all, only ?sub/page

PhrozenByte commented 7 years ago

@dkyme: Have you checked your webserver's error.log and a possibly existing separate PHP log?

dkyme commented 7 years ago

@PhrozenByte: the error.log of synology complains:

comm with server "/php-fpm-handler" aborted: error parsing headers: malformed header '307 Temporary Redirect', referer:

So far I failed setting up a separate PHP log on my shared host, since I'm more an Copy'n'PHPaster :-(

I edited .htaccess in beginning with php_flag log_errors on php_value error_log "/www/htdocs/xxxxxx/errorlog/errorlog.txt" but no file was written, or overwritten (after creating an empty file) in the folder which is chmod0777.

PhrozenByte commented 7 years ago

Sure, that's fine @dkyme, you don't need a separate PHP error log, I'm mentioning this only because people must look at all possible places where PHP errors can show up. In your case the webserver's error.log already shows everything we need. This was a bug in Pico Admin, I've fixed it. Thanks for reporting! 👍

dkyme commented 7 years ago

Thanks @PhrozenByte ... that works wonderful on my Synology NAS! On shared Host the URL redirect doesn't works properly.

/?sub works - /sub not /?sub/page AND /sub/page/ works - /sub/page Not /?admin redirects to /admin/content/edit/index but shows frontpage

if I use the .htaccess of Version 1.0.4 everything works fine.

btw: this would be better in another issue queue? For example #334 ?

PhrozenByte commented 7 years ago

@dkyme: Again, very strange issue. Can you please add the following code to line 347 in your lib/Pico.php (after the $this->triggerEvent('onRequestFile', ... line)?

var_dump($this->requestUrl, $this->requestFile, $_SERVER, $this->config); die();

Then navigate to the following pages and give me the output (you might want to use pastebin or something similar; I need the output of $this->config only once, i.e. you can remove this last variable in subsequent requests). When a error page of your webserver shows up, simply tell me what exact error is shown and check your webserver's error.log.

dkyme commented 7 years ago

@PhrozenByte: Don't slap me 🤔 After pasting the vardumps to pastebin, and deleting the line from Pico.php, I got confused by the vardumps still showing up. It came to my NewbieMind that emptying the cache sometims solves problems.

Everything is working fine and as expected! Thank you! 😄

Is it an expected behaviour that navigating to /admin the redirect immediatly goes to /admin/content/edit/index while showing the login?

PhrozenByte commented 7 years ago

Is it an expected behaviour that navigating to /admin the redirect immediatly goes to /admin/content/edit/index while showing the login?

Yes, this is expected since there's currently just one admin module installed.

rxng commented 7 years ago

this looks really great! is there support for per user permissions?

PhrozenByte commented 7 years ago

@rxng: No, there are also no plannings to add such a feature. It definitely is possible (Pico's plugin system is very powerful), however, things like a role system are explicitly out of Pico's scope (i.e. you can create a plugin for that, however, there will never be a official plugin).

Chris2011 commented 6 years ago

@PhrozenByte is there a plan, when this will be released? I tried Pico Edit, it is ok but your implementation looks much better.

PhrozenByte commented 6 years ago

@Chris2011 Unfortunately not, "it's done when it's done" 😞 Releasing Pico 2.0 is more important right now and my time is very limited.

Chris2011 commented 6 years ago

ok, thx for the info :)

filisko commented 6 years ago

@PhrozenByte, Is this the roadmap for the version 2? https://github.com/picocms/Pico/pull/334

PhrozenByte commented 6 years ago

@filisko PicoAdmin initially was part of Pico 2.0's roadmap, but isn't anymore. However, PicoAdmin will be the next project right after releasing Pico 2.0.

If your question rather was whether #334 is the roadmap for Pico 2.0 (i.e. your question isn't related to PicoAdmin): Yes, #334 is the roadmap for Pico 2.0.

filisko commented 6 years ago

@PhrozenByte Oh, I see now.

I will have a look at the left tasks and see if I can help at any.

Thank you @PhrozenByte !

PhrozenByte commented 6 years ago

One of the more important tasks is updating Pico's changelog (including a "What has changed" page), writing upgrade instructions and updating the docs (including the install instructions, users should now use a composer-based installation when possible). Pico "as is" (i.e. the source code) is basically ready for release. Help is very welcome! 👍

filisko commented 6 years ago

That's good to know, I liked the idea of having official plugins with basic functionality, I'm sure it will help to get more people used to Pico and be able to use it in a bit more user-friendly way. 👍

AndiLeni commented 6 years ago

Is there an update for this project? I've been following this one for some time now.

jens1o commented 6 years ago

see #334

AndiLeni commented 6 years ago

@jens1o All right, according to the checklist, it's not finished. I don't see any information about whether the project was moved, outsourced or cancelled. Correct me if I'm wrong.

PhrozenByte commented 6 years ago

Pico Admin was deferred in favour of Pico 2.0. Pico 2.0 is feature-complete, but the website wasn't updated yet due to limited time. Help is appreciated.

AndiLeni commented 6 years ago

I don't know how this might help, but Baun CMS, which is based on Pico, has an interesting approach that seems to be successful throughout. See: https://github.com/BaunCMS/Baun Maybe it is suitable to take up a few ideas :)

TheTechRobo commented 4 years ago

Is Pico Admin still being developed? Last commit was a while ago.

PhrozenByte commented 4 years ago

Pico Admin is on hold and isn't in development at the moment. It isn't cancelled, just deferred; time unfortunately is very limited and Pico Admin isn't the top priority project at this point.