picocms / Pico

Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
MIT License
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Nextcloud & Pico = Erreur interne du serveur #540

Closed cr9christi9n closed 4 years ago

cr9christi9n commented 4 years ago

Hi there, I installed Pico on Nextcloud 18.0.3 and as soon as I try to modify index.md (with sample_pico templates) I get the folowing error in web page

Erreur interne du serveur La page demandée du site Web n'a pas été créée, le serveur n'a pas pu traiter votre demande.

wich is an error from the server. So impossible to access web pages index.md.

PhrozenByte commented 4 years ago

Please refer to https://help.nextcloud.com/c/apps/cms-pico/128 for getting help about Pico CMS for Nextcloud. This is the repository of Pico. You can find the app's repository here: https://github.com/nextcloud/cms_pico. Since I can't transfer issues from this repo to the cms_pico repo, please open a new issue there. When doing so please also attach your Nextcloud log.

cr9christi9n commented 4 years ago

Hi, OK, thanks