picocms / Pico

Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
MIT License
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Pico For 🚀 php >=8.x? #585

Closed ILDaviz closed 3 years ago

ILDaviz commented 3 years ago

Hi pico team! 🚀 I'm update core pico for php> = 8 but not tested it's very very very early project ;D In this month i think complete it. And PicoLovers ❤️ Thanks for creating this piece of software!

PhrozenByte commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your PR :heart:

Did you check out #535? A lot of this has been done already. Pico always was a project that aims for a maximum of compatibility, thus I'm not so sure whether lifting the minimum requirement to PHP 8.0 is suitable. This is not about whether PHP 8.0 is wide spread enough, it is, but there are still a lot of servers with older PHP versions, like Debian Buster servers with PHP 7.3, supported until 2024, or even worse, RHEL.

ILDaviz commented 3 years ago

Ok @PhrozenByte I will then work on that version; D