picodotdev / alis

Arch Linux Install Script (or alis, also known as the Arch Linux executable installation guide and wiki) installs an unattended, automated and customized Arch Linux system.
GNU General Public License v3.0
820 stars 316 forks source link

Can't get alis package.sh work #168

Closed Neo-29 closed 2 years ago

Neo-29 commented 2 years ago

Everything goes well with the install but as soon as the alis package sh is launched... It ends up with nothing As if the script didn't do the job. I put true to the packages, tried any options. Nothing.

picodotdev commented 2 years ago

Read the last echoed messages from the script maybe alis-pacakges.sh is exiting because there as some validation errors. Provide more information about the error, a photo/screenshot or your alis-packages.conf file.

Neo-29 commented 2 years ago

Capture d’écran du 2022-01-09 23-33-16 Capture d’écran du 2022-01-09 23-32-37

here's how it finishes

Neo-29 commented 2 years ago

Arch Linux Install Script (alis) configuration file


Some variables values are preceded by a ! character, this means that the value is ignored.

Some variables accept a single value others accept multiple values as annotated in the comments.

Some variables are boolean with a value of true or false.


Read the Arch Linux wiki pages to learn more about the variables values.


packages (all multiple)

Arch Linux packages to install

more at https://www.archlinux.org/packages/

PACKAGES_PACMAN_CUSTOM_REPOSITORIES custom repositories to add to pacman configuration, see https://archlinux.org/pacman/pacman.conf.5.html#_repository_sections

Comment lines starting with # charater are removed

PACKAGES_PACMAN_INSTALL="true" PACKAGES_PACMAN_INSTALL_PIPEWIRE="false" PACKAGES_PACMAN_INTERNET="!firefox chromium !curl !wget !filezilla !sshfs !openssh !transmission-gtk !transmission-qt !liferea !gnome-boxes !gnome-tweaks" PACKAGES_PACMAN_MULTIMEDIA="!gthumb !gimp !imagemagick !krita !inkscape !blender !cmus !vlc !easytag !ardour !audacity !ffmpeg !gnome-phone-manager !kdeconnect !gstreamer !gst-plugins-good !gst-plugins-bad !gst-plugins-ugly !bluez !bluez-utils" PACKAGES_PACMAN_UTILITIES="!bash-completion !gnome-initial-setup !gnome-extra !code !lz4 !meld !dosfstools !ntfs-3g !exfat-utils !man-db !man-pages" PACKAGES_PACMAN_DOCUMENTS_AND_TEXT="!libreoffice-fresh !calligra !discount !lyx !vim !calibre" PACKAGES_PACMAN_COMMUNICATION="!geary !thunderbird !empathy !kopete !polari !konversation" PACKAGES_PACMAN_GAMES="" PACKAGES_PACMAN_SECURITY="!ufw !rsync !gnupg !keepassxc !encfs" PACKAGES_PACMAN_SCIENCE="!geogebra !octave" PACKAGES_PACMAN_OTHERS="!klavaro !tmux" PACKAGES_PACMAN_DEVELOPER="git !python !dotnet-sdk !php !rust !go !virtualbox !docker !ansible !vagrant !packer !terraform !vault !consul !nomad" PACKAGES_PACMAN_CUSTOM="" PACKAGES_PACMAN_PIPEWIRE="pipewire pipewire-pulse !pipewire-jack !pipewire-alsa !helvum !wireplumber !xdg-desktop-portal !xdg-desktop-portal-gnome !xdg-desktop-portal-kde !xdg-desktop-portal-wlr" PACKAGES_PACMAN_CUSTOM_REPOSITORIES="


SigLevel = Optional TrustAll

Server = file:///home/custompkgs


Flatpak packages to install

more at https://flathub.org/apps/collection/popular

PACKAGES_FLATPAK_INSTALL="false" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_INTERNET="" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_MULTIMEDIA="!com.spotify.Client !org.ardour.Ardour !org.audacityteam.Audacity !tv.kodi.Kodi !org.pitivi.Pitivi" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_UTILITIES="!org.freefilesync.FreeFileSync !org.gnome.World.PikaBackup !com.dropbox.Client" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_DOCUMENTS_AND_TEXT="!org.onlyoffice.desktopeditors !com.wps.Office" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_COMMUNICATION="!com.slack.Slack !com.microsoft.Teams !org.jitsi.jitsi-meet !us.zoom.Zoom !org.telegram.desktop" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_GAMES="!com.valvesoftware.Steam !org.wesnoth.Wesnoth !com.albiononline.AlbionOnline !org.hedgewars.Hedgewars !com.mojang.Minecraft !net.supertuxkart.SuperTuxKart !org.openttd.OpenTTD" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_SECURITY="" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_SCIENCE="" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_OTHERS="!org.gnucash.GnuCash" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_DEVELOPER="!com.jetbrains.IntelliJ-IDEA-Community !org.eclipse.Java !com.getpostman.Postman" PACKAGES_FLATPAK_CUSTOM=""

SDKMAN packages to install

more at https://sdkman.io/jdks and https://sdkman.io/sdks

PACKAGES_SDKMAN_INSTALL="false" PACKAGES_SDKMAN_JDKS="!java !java:17.0.1-tem !java:11.0.13-tem !java:8.0.312-tem" # format :[version]:[local-path] PACKAGES_SDKMAN_SDKS="!gradle !maven !kotlin !groovy" # format :[version]:[local-path]

AUR utility and AUR packages to install

more at https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/




SYSTEMD_UNITS systemd units to enable or disable.

If preceded with a "+" unit is enabled, if preceded with "-" unit is disabled, if preceded with "!" unit is ignored (no action is performed).

eg. "+ufw.service" to enable, "-ufw.service" to disable, "!ufw.service" to ignore

SYSTEMD_UNITS="!ufw.service !bluetooth.service !docker.service"

Neo-29 commented 2 years ago

I just enabled chromium to test Nothing else changes

picodotdev commented 2 years ago

Are you using the latest version?

A fix made in that screenshot exit point six hours ago.

https://github.com/picodotdev/alis/blob/9050b5f47d02cd30d7afcb38f35995d5964db4ba/alis-packages.sh#L210 https://github.com/picodotdev/alis/blame/9050b5f47d02cd30d7afcb38f35995d5964db4ba/alis-packages.sh#L210

Neo-29 commented 2 years ago

Mmmmm.... My bad >>>>I cloned without checking today ...let me try that ... I'll be back

Neo-29 commented 2 years ago

Yep! Seems to be OK... Tks a lot for your support! Excellent script!

May I suggest something?

Is it possible to add DisableDownloadTimeout in pacman.conf config of your script? ( as it's overwritten during install by archiso one) Indeed, I can't get the parallel download work due to my bad connection 4G box That's something really useful ( used it tks to endeavour config)

picodotdev commented 2 years ago

For DisableDownloadTimeout


picodotdev commented 2 years ago

DisableDownloadTimeout is merged in master.

Anything else to close the issue?

Neo-29 commented 2 years ago

No I don't think so 😀. Maybe adding ILoveCandy for fun 😉

Tks a lot