picrin / TeamE

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Create interface to database #3

Closed Gaboose closed 10 years ago

Gaboose commented 10 years ago

We need this early in the sprint to be able to build other modules upon it.

It would suffice for the prototype to have these methods (or methods to provide equivalent functionality):

/* Required for attendance monitoring */
Course[] getCoursesByTutor(tutorID)
Session[] getSessionsByCourse(courseID)
Student[] getStudentsInSession(sessionID)

SesAttendance getAttendance(sessionID)
void setAttendance(sessionID, SesAttendance)

/* Required for CSV export */
Course[] getCoursesByStudent(studentID) //to produce example_student.csv
Student[] getStudentsByCourse(courseID) //to produce example_course.csv

In addition, classes Course, Session, Student, SesAttendance should be implemented.

Among other things, Course should have references to Sessions and their dates/times (to be able to show sessions and their times for a particular course). Session should store a SesAttendance object.

I see that with this ticket I ended up half-defining the internal data structure for the prototype. @picrin, feel free to change it as convenient as long as it provides the necessary functionality.

picrin commented 10 years ago

I've already got the database interface. But Bruno has so far only submitted a few of the Course, Session, etc. classes, so I can't really get entire thing done. I'll push what I've got and I'll do the rest tomorrow.