piebro / openstreetmap-statistics

Monthly updated interactive statistics about OpenStreetMap.
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Add tag:source statistics and maybe add them to imagery service #50

Closed piebro closed 1 year ago

piebro commented 1 year ago

This issue is about adding the tag "source" discussed earlier in issue #6

According to the osm wiki https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:source source is used in multiple ways. I think it would be interesting to see which sources are common and how much the source tag is used. As @matkoniecz already noted it might be hard to parse the values because they are freeform. I will have to see what's the signal to noise ratio is.

It could be that only some editors use the tag (see Issue #49) and I think then it's important to add some kind of note for interpreting the data.

The "source" tag could also be used in addition to the "imagery_used" tag to get a better approximation of used imagery.

piebro commented 1 year ago

Added with #61