piece / makegood

A continuous test runner for Eclipse PDT
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When I am running tests, its shows Test 0/0, Success 0 & Failed 0. Could you please explain why is that so? #42

Open dotsanjay opened 11 years ago

matsu-hide8 commented 11 years ago

I'd like to know more about the your environment and context. Please let me know the following information:

friveraz commented 11 years ago

I have the same issue. I think it might be a problem with XDebug, but cannot be sure.

OS: Mac OS X 10.8 Eclipse version Kepler Release MakeGood: 2.4.1.v 201303271518 MakeGood properties: PHPUnit, no preload, XML Config file set Printed text in console:

Project Name [Makegood Launch Configuration Delegate] /path/to/php Copyright (c) 2005-2013 KUBO Atsuhiro and contributors, All rights reserved. Usage: [options] command [arguments] Options: --help -h Prints help and exit. --version -V Prints version information and exit. --ansi Enables ANSI output. --no-ansi Disables ANSI output. Testing Framework Commands: cakephp Runs tests with CakePHP. ciunit Runs tests with CIUnit. phpspec Runs tests with PHPSpec. phpunit Runs tests with PHPUnit. simpletest Runs tests with SimpleTest. Other Commands: compile Compiles the DIC for the production environment. help Prints the help for a command. list Lists commands. phpunit:passthrough Runs the phpunit command via the testrunner command.
matsu-hide8 commented 11 years ago

The arguments seem not to pass it to MakeGood. This may be related to Issue #41.