piece / makegood

A continuous test runner for Eclipse PDT
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Error when running test [PHPUnit_Framework_Exception] #85

Open yparisien opened 8 years ago

yparisien commented 8 years ago

Hi folks,

Here is the error I got in eclipse console when I try to run a unit test :

[PHPUnit_Framework_Exception] #3 (No Value) of PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter::__construct() must be a value from "never", "auto" or "always"

phpunit [-p|--preload-script="..."] [-c|--config="..."] [-R|--recursive] [-a|--autotest] [-w|--watch-dir="..."] [-m|--notify] [-d|--detailed-progress] [-s|--stop-on-failure] [--log-junit="..."] [--log-junit-realtime] [--test-file-pattern="..."] [--test-method="..."] [--test-class="..."] [--phpunit-config="..."] [test_directory_or_file1] ... [test_directory_or_fileN]

I am under Windows 7, Eclipse Luna 4.4.2, Makegood 3.1.1, and PHPUnit 4.8.21

Running phpunit in command line works. I need to run it with Makegood in order to have debug support.

Any idea ?

WolfgangFahl commented 8 years ago

see http://stackoverflow.com/a/34483373/1497139