Sometimes in MakeGood, an unexpected error Fatal error: Allowed memory size of xxx bytes exhausted ... is raised when running a test even though the memory_limit directive is set to -1 in the php.ini file.
Then the memory_limit directive is set to 256MB before running the test by PDT as following:
package org.eclipse.php.internal.debug.core.phpIni;
public class PHPINIUtil {
private static void appendDefaultPHPIniContent(File phpIniFile)
throws IOException {
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(phpIniFile, true);
// TODO expose default php.ini in PHP properties
fw.append("\ndate.timezone= \"")
fw.append("memory_limit = \"256M\"\n");
Sometimes in MakeGood, an unexpected error Fatal error: Allowed memory size of xxx bytes exhausted ... is raised when running a test even though the memory_limit directive is set to -1 in the php.ini file.
Then the memory_limit directive is set to 256MB before running the test by PDT as following: