pieces-app / documentation

Official documentation for Pieces for Developers
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Add how-to guides #467

Open jimbobbennett opened 1 week ago

jimbobbennett commented 1 week ago

To help users get started quicker with basic tasks like saving snippets and chatting with the copilot, we need some how-to guides.

These should be guided how-tos focusing on the following tasks:

There should be versions for all the integrations, with a landing page for them all. We can then surface these directly from the integrations.

CBID2 commented 1 week ago

I'm down to do one

CBID2 commented 1 week ago

Hi @shivay-at-pieces. Do you mind if you could put the community contribution label instead of the internal one? I think it would be helpful to get the community involved in fixing this issue.