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suite installer always fails for me. (windows 11) #160

Open shaneholloman opened 2 months ago

shaneholloman commented 2 months ago


Desktop Application

Operating System


Your Pieces OS Version


Kindly describe the bug and include as much detail as possible on what you were doing so we can reproduce the bug.

suite installer always fails for me. (windows 11)

  shane @ moa ❯ ~ cd .\Downloads\
  shane @ moa ❯ Downloads ./Pieces_Suite.appinstaller
ResourceUnavailable: Program 'Pieces_Suite.appinstaller' failed to run: An error occurred trying to start process 'C:\Users\shane\Downloads\Pieces_Suite.appinstaller' with working directory 'C:\Users\shane\Downloads'. The app didn't start.At line:1 char:1
+ ./Pieces_Suite.appinstaller
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
  shane @ moa ❯ Downloads

also tried double clicking in gui. same issue>

I also tried as user and admin

all failed

shaneholloman commented 2 months ago

note that the exe installs fine. maybe make that the default method for windows?

mark-at-pieces commented 2 months ago

@nathan-courtney-pieces can you help out with this issue?

nathan-courtney-pieces commented 2 months ago


When you attempted to install by clicking on the App Installer file did you get any error messages?

You may need to update App Installer as well. You can do this by making sure the Microsoft Store app is up to date, and then making sure App Installer is up to date as well. You are able to update App Installer through the Microsoft Store application. I would also restart your PC after the fact.

Let me know if that does or doesn't work for you and we can attempt other methods.

shaneholloman commented 2 months ago

after I found the exe installer - it installed, but wont start. v9 today logs are empty C:\Users\shane\Documents\com.pieces.os\production\Support\logs

thank you for the help

shaneholloman commented 2 months ago


shaneholloman commented 2 months ago

it was windows defender - sheesh. add to add these dirs


nathan-courtney-pieces commented 2 months ago

@shaneholloman That is good news! Did Windows Defender tell you why it was blocking the application? Also, do you know what you have toggled on (or off) that allows Windows Defender to block our application?

We would love to know what is causing Windows Defender to block our app whether an explicit reason or some sort of setting that is enabled/disabled. Looking to try and reproduce