pieroproietti / penguins-eggs

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My suggestion changes. #317

Closed hosseinseilani closed 8 months ago

hosseinseilani commented 8 months ago

Hi. my suggestion changes.

thanks a lot

pieroproietti commented 8 months ago

Sorry, I must refuse, becouse I discovered it after I created my changes.

Note: actually we have /addons/template with isolinux.main.cfg and grub.main.cfg (the old isolinux.template and grub.template), and on /addons/eggs/theme/livecd/ we have: isolinux.theme.cfg and grub.theme.cfg.

In the next commit I will put all under /addons/eggs/theme/livecd/.

So, in your theme too, we will have - under the same path /vendors/predator/theme/livecd - on wardrobe:

In short, adapt your theme with this two template for isolinux and grub:

Main is for menues, themes are for colors, fonts and so on.

Thanks Husein