pieroproietti / penguins-eggs

On the road of Remastersys, Refracta, Systemback and father Knoppix!
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Add Nixos Support? #318

Closed nixinator closed 4 months ago

nixinator commented 8 months ago

Cool project.

Any nixos support on the future road map?

pieroproietti commented 7 months ago

Hi @nixinator ,

if someone from nixos come, why not?

The biggest problems about differents distros are package managers: apt, pacman, rpm, etc. Then in some cases differents packages names and differents paths.

Here I'm organized with class distro.ts, where assign same variables depending on the distro, then in family there are differents scritps: debian.ts, archlinux.ts but also fedora.ts and suse.ts (they are actually NOT used and probably not working).

To extend eggs to nixos - but also to other distributions - what we should do is to add a nixos.ts script in family - perhaps will be better to rename to families - and check on the sources where we must call it.

This can be an example, from pacman.ts.

Of course the same can apply to fedora and suse, they are present just from the start, but never used.

I hope someone come to help.

nixinator commented 7 months ago

thank you for a kind and welcoming reply!

i will delve into the repo and deploy it on one of the imperative linux distributions.

I will check if we have all the dependencies in nix and see if the package you use are there.

nix is a build system, so it's very good at building images for all sorts or purposes from a single 'configuration.nix' file, so i may be able to leverage this depending on how you 'build bootable' images.

i don't have much time left, but hopefully i can allocate some time soon.

I'd love see a nixos lay a egg.