pieroproietti / penguins-eggs

On the road of Remastersys, Refracta, Systemback and father Knoppix!
374 stars 41 forks source link

Works great on Debian 12 Bookworm #335

Open omac777 opened 5 months ago

omac777 commented 5 months ago

I just wanted to drop by to say this is very cool!

I tried it and it rocks!

Let me explain. I've been through using Linux from Scratch with debootstrap. Then struggling terribly with Debian Live Build. Archlinux Archiso and Manjario buildiso were much easier to use.

Penguins-eggs is innovative in that it takes what you have installed and configured user data and everything else and makes an iso from that.

I did notice the grub command line produced in the iso for the live is different from the grub command line found within the /boot and / directories from the source Linux OS the iso is collecting its information from. Apart from that it's pretty much identical.

I wish the tool would have a wizard/input-file to choosing grub boot background, splash, theme, and such before generating the iso.

Thank you for listening and cheers.

pieroproietti commented 5 months ago

Thanks a lot, Is nice to receive compliments and today was a bit tired - It help a lot!

I'm actually working in python to have a wizard called penGUI you can find in my repos.

At the moment Is not so great and, unfortunately Im busy with others work, but you can get a look and see that you can do, give suggestions or try to improve.