pieroproietti / penguins-eggs

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Cryptedclone does not copy luks file into ovarium #341

Closed markoceri closed 4 months ago

markoceri commented 4 months ago

I'm using the version 9.6.34 and I'm encountering the following issue while creating an egg with the following prameters:

sudo eggs produce --cryptedclone --verbose


The LUKS file is being moved to a path that does not exist.

Upon examining the code, I noticed that the destination path where the code intends to move the LUKS file is incorrect (specifically, iso/live). In fact the destination path is concatenated with the value of the variable this.ovarium , which is never assigned and initially an empty string.

Reviewing the commit history, I observed that in this commit 579be32 the this.ovarium variable was introduced, replacing the variable _this.settings.workdir.ovarium

I’m not sure why the variable this.ovarium is used instead of _this.settings.workdir.ovarium, and in what scenarios the this.ovarium variable is intended to be useful.

Can someone who has a broader idea of ​​the project help me?


pieroproietti commented 4 months ago

Hi Marco, It's a bit I don't use cryptedclone, sencerelly not remember well the code, if not in general way.

That you say sound like, I duplicate the variable, and can be possible becouse 3/4 months ago, when introduced the possibility of remote mount to build the ISO, I changed the "nest" in the way now is.

That to say, during the week I'm too busy and don't have way to check it, but on the week end I will give a look and tell you or change it.


pieroproietti commented 4 months ago


LUKS file must to go on /home/eggs/.mnt/iso/live

markoceri commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your effort @pieroproietti, I made you a pull request #343 to fix this issue

pieroproietti commented 4 months ago

Grazie Marco l'ho già inclusa.

Mi sembra che va bene, non ho rifatto il pacchetto ma credo che tu non abbia problemi, in ogni caso basta che usi: pnpm deb.

markoceri commented 4 months ago

Si oramai pnpm deb è fisso nella mia bash hystory :smiley:

Grazie a te Piero