pieroproietti / penguins-eggs

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ISO Won't Boot #357

Closed GuestSneezeOSDev closed 5 months ago

GuestSneezeOSDev commented 6 months ago

Yes You May Remember Me I Am The Person Who asked For sudo eggs tools skel Recently I Created An ISO With This Command sudo eggs produce --basename GUESTSNEEZEOS --max It Took A Few 30 Minutes But When It Finished I Saw That There Was NO xorriso Issues Then I Put It Into BalenaEtcher I Waited A While Then I Booted It Into My Old Laptop From 2014 (UEFI). I Installed It With Text Mode Since I Did Not Put Calamares I Booted It It Said Press Any Key To Reboot I Clicked Enter It Rebooted With An Error Saying Not A Valid UEFI 64 BIT OS

pieroproietti commented 5 months ago

Can you disabile UEFI security boot?