pieroproietti / penguins-eggs

On the road of Remastersys, Refracta, Systemback and father Knoppix!
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Last question (hopefully) How do i modify the grub.cfg before generating an ISO? #394

Open Cuphead74832 opened 2 days ago

Cuphead74832 commented 2 days ago

I need to add extra stuff in the grub.cfg thing but i want to add it before i do the eggs produce command. How do i do that?

pieroproietti commented 2 days ago

You can change grub.cfg as you want on your janitor system, eggs will copy your configuration on filesystem.squashfs and your configuration will be unpacked with all the others on your new system.

Cuphead74832 commented 1 day ago

So does this update the grub.cfg from the Live Iso (https://github.com/pieroproietti/penguins-eggs/blob/master/addons/eggs/theme/livecd/grub.main.cfg) too?

pieroproietti commented 22 hours ago

To change the grub.cfg on the live, you can edit here or create a theme and do that inside it.

Cuphead74832 commented 19 hours ago

Im using the PPA how do i do this with a pre-install in my OS?