pierr3 / TrackAudio

A next generation Audio-For-VATSIM ATC Client for macOS, Linux and Windows
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Add gain control for microphone input #193

Open jannikvogel opened 3 weeks ago

jannikvogel commented 3 weeks ago

A native gain control like in AfV client would be very useful to level the microphone volume application internally.

pierr3 commented 2 weeks ago

Is there a particular reason as to why your microphone gain in the application would need to be different that system wide?

Phil7789 commented 1 week ago

Is there a particular reason as to why your microphone gain in the application would need to be different that system wide?

I used a Peiker (until it broke) e.g. The hardware gain wasn't enough to be always loud and clear and the system settings didn't allow enough gain (was at 100%). I used AfV and with the additional gain setting there I could greatly enhance the volume to be always loud enough. (Should also apply for other microphones that have a rather low transmission volume)

pierr3 commented 6 days ago

Could add this feature, I understand the need but I'm scared we would be blowing the gain out of proportion since we artificially increase an insufficient gain which really should be handled by the system.