pierreavn / angular-tabler-icons

Tabler Icons components library for your Angular applications
MIT License
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Standalone components support #109

Closed janschab closed 1 year ago

janschab commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'd like to provide some icons for each components, and it working with components within module, but not working in standalone component, because TablerIconsModule.pick method returns ModuleWithProviders<TablerIconsModule> and its not suited to imports in standalone components. Solution is to create provider with pick method, and move picking from imports to providers. I tested it in local version, but I prefer to use npm package, so I have a PR I upgraded angular to 14 to create sample standalone component

pierreavn commented 1 year ago

Hi @janschab, thank you very much for you contribution! I've just merged and deployed it to angular-tabler-icons@2.21.1 package. Can you give it a try?

janschab commented 1 year ago

thanks @pierreavn! everything works well